Originally posted by Mordoch
If you read the article about that airbase under a mountain again, you'll note that the steel reinforced doors covering the entrance tunnel are supposed to withstand even a nuclear blast. Even if it can't withstand a direct blast, if the weapon is off even slightly, all its probably going to do is collapse that entrance. Taiwan has multiple entrances into each airbase. They actually have a total of two airbases build under mountains, which can't even be taken out easily through the use of nuclear weapons.
If you read the article about that airbase under a mountain again, you'll note that the steel reinforced doors covering the entrance tunnel are supposed to withstand even a nuclear blast. Even if it can't withstand a direct blast, if the weapon is off even slightly, all its probably going to do is collapse that entrance. Taiwan has multiple entrances into each airbase. They actually have a total of two airbases build under mountains, which can't even be taken out easily through the use of nuclear weapons.
Besides, the fact the Chinese were using nukes would up the ante gigantically- whether for the good or the bad in terms of Chinese world standing, I don't know.
On the blockade- the Chinese could probably do it well enough outside the range of Taiwan's missiles- more importantly, the very fact a blockade was on would discourage significant amounts of trade from even thinking of going- after all, there is nothing really that Taiwan makes that can;t be had anywhere else.