Refutes this:
Children need positive role models. Male and Female. They don't have to be their biological parents. Or are you saying adoptive and single parents can't provide a good upbringing for their children?
No. It just shows that homosexual marriage can't hurt the 'sanctity' of marriage any more than heterosexual marriage.
All-knowing BK to the rescue. Obviously homosexuals don't know when they are happy or not. BK knows what makes them happy, and it's not their loving partners as they would suggest! It's the God who condemns them for their love...
As for children. Children need to be raised in loving environments with good male and female role models. Those role models don't need to be married and their biological parents.
Why do we have organisations like big brothers, and big sisters?
Children do best when raised by a mom and a dad. Ergo, there are benefits to marriage, that cannot be provided by gay folks.
And gay marriage is going to stop the divorce trend?

Children are adversely affected.
And so are the homosexuals themselves.
And so are the homosexuals themselves.
As for children. Children need to be raised in loving environments with good male and female role models. Those role models don't need to be married and their biological parents.