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Star TreK Enterprise

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  • Originally posted by Saint Marcus
    It takes "at least a 1000 starships" to destroy a world, in the SW universe.

    What's your point? The federation hasn't EVER.

    Species 8472 wasn't your ordinary organic species. They came from another dimension, and their moloculor was completely different. Hence, the Borg couldn't assimilate them. Hence, phasers couldn't vaporise them.

    Occam's razor - the simplest explanation is that phaserfire can't destroy an INFINITE amount of biomatter.

    Proof? And if it is so, why on earth didn't they increase the yield? In ST, they usually increase the yield after the first shot appears to be inneffective. However, Storm Troopers apparantly don't think of it. Or wait...maybe the Blasters don't even have a higher power setting. After all, we have never seen them use a blaster on a higher setting.

    They don't need to. As we have seen in various eps, the Borg use orbital bombardement to weaken an enemy

    Did you notice how much damage the torpedo fired by the sphere in FC did? A B-52 could do as much damage.

    and then use transporters to move up right behind them and assimilate them. This is FAR more effective than using slow moving vehicles. Transporter owns Imperial Walkers. Drones own Storm Troopers. Contest over!

    We have NEVER seen the Borg transport into combat... and transporters are extremely unreliable anyway:

    Quote: Season 1, Ep# 19: "Coming of Age"

    PICARD: Lock off the bay launch doors.

    WORF: Too late, sir. He's using the flight emergency override...

    GEORDI: Smart kid.

    TASHA: He's launching!

    PICARD: Enterprise to shuttlecraft. Mister Kurland.

    JAKE: Captain Picard. I'm going to Beltane Nine to sign onto a freighter.

    Tell my father I'm sorry.

    PICARD: Tell him in person. Bring the ship back. Now.

    JAKE: No. I can't face him. I'm leaving.

    (he somehow stalls his engines)

    JAKE: I've lost power!

    RIKER: All he's got left are his maneuvering jets.

    GEORDI: At that trajectory, he'll hit the atmosphere and melt at two hundred kilometers.

    PICARD: Probable impact?

    DATA: Atmospheric entry... seventy-eight seconds.

    PICARD: Options?

    TASHA: He's out of transporter range.

    WORF: Tractor beam?

    RIKER: Won't work. He's too far away for a positive lock.

    Analysis: Jake is out of transport range. This range limitation seems very confusing. They were able to transport Wesley to and from the planet's surface, but they can't transport Jake off a shuttle which is between the Enterprise and the planet!

    This seems like a hopeless conundrum until you consider the fact that Jake is in a spacecraft rather than a planet. Moving vehicles seem to present more problems for transporters than planetary surfaces (which, although technically in motion, are very predictable)

    Simple English: Its harder to beam someone off a ship that is moving (a.ka. Death Star) than to get them off a planet.

    Season 1, Ep# 23: "Symbiosis"

    WESLEY: Captain, deflectors are being hit by a huge burst of X- rays (bridge panels begin to short out) ... Sir, my console seems to be overloading. WORF: The X-ray burst is disrupting systems, Captain. I'm adjusting deflectors to compensate.

    DATA: Captain, our sensors are being severely affected by the sun flares.

    TASHA: The solar flares are interfering with the tractor beam, Captain. I am unable to lock on.

    RIKER: I'll beam over with a team.

    TASHA: Captain -- I strongly recommend against anyone from this ship beaming over. The solar interference is too great.

    TASHA: Have them go to their own Transporter Room. It will be tricky, but perhaps I can link the two transporters in series and get them over with the increased power.

    TASHA: Reading six life forms... but I can't get a solid lock.

    RIKER: We've no choice. Energize.(four people materialize)

    RIKER: You said six; where are the other two?

    Analysis: Transporters: An X-ray burst from the solar flare interferes with transporters; an interaction which proves to be deadly. Even with a send/receive connection betwen the two ships' transporters, only four of six survive the trip. Furthermore, this occurs when the Enterprise is in order around the fourth planet, where the intensity of solar radiation, flare or no flare, simply cannot be that high.

    Simple English: Mid-level X-ray radiation is enough to interfere with ST transporters.

    Season 3, Ep# 49: "Ensigns of Command"

    WORF: Human life form readings from the planet.

    RIKER: So, the Sheliak weren't hallucinating.

    PICARD: Numbers?

    WORF: Impossible to get an accurate reading, Captain. The high radiation levels are disrupting our sensors.

    DATA: Hyperonic radiation also interferes with ship's transporters; they are now inoperable.

    WORF: So are the ship's phasers.

    RIKER: How can humans survive down there?

    BEVERLY: They must have found a way to adapt. Milan's work in radiation sensitivity suggests it's possible. Perhaps with extensive virotherapy ... Until they found the answer, their mortality rate must have been staggering.

    Analysis: Transporters are disrupted by the naturally occurring "hyperonic radiation".

    Simple English: The planet could support human life and no matter what someone might tell you basic biology dicates that this radiation is incredibly weak.

    Season 3, Ep# 60: "The High Ground"

    GEORDI: Explosive charge on the main warp chamber...

    PICARD: Transporter room three, lock on the explosive device and energize.

    ENGINEER: It's scrambling the sensors, Captain... I can't pinpoint it.

    Transporters: the bomb couldn't be transported because the sensors couldn't pick it up, even though we could see it perfectly. Geordi had to slap his communicator onto it and then have the transporter chief lock onto the comm badge signal.

    Simple English: They can't even lock on to a bomb on their own SHIP's reactor. How do you think they will fare trying to beam it in near a power source a dozen orders of magnitude more energetic?

    Season 4, Ep# 80: "Legacy"

    RIKER: O'Brien! Lock onto Ishara and get her out of here! O'BRIEN: There's a transformer substation directly above the chamber she just entered. It's masking her signal

    Analysis: Transporters: the electromagnetic fields generated by an ordinary transformer can block transporter locks. My front-channel power amplifier has a big 1.5 kVA transformer in it; from the sounds of it, that means I could avoid transport by simply staying next to it.

    Simple English: Low-power EM fields can screw with transportation.

    Season 4, Ep# 80: "Legacy"

    (after getting the relay to the myographic scanner working) GEORDI: They've been moved so far underground that it took awhile to pinpoint their signatures. The men are here (pointing to spot on map). Next to one of the Alliance headquarters. And that's about two kilometers of solid granite above them. RIKER: So much for the transporter.

    Analysis: Transporters: they can't go through two kilometres of solid granite. Interestingly enough, they have transported through as many as two kilometres of dirt and rock on other occasions, so this indicates that the limitation may be one of density. Of course, if the marginally higher density of granite makes transport impossible when compared to "normal" rock, then it stands to reason that heavy metal would present an even greater difficulty.

    Simple English: They can't get through 2 Km of granite. How are they going to fare against 40-80 Km of durasteel.

    Season 4, Ep# 83: "Final Mission"

    RIKER: Any life signs?

    DATA: It is impossible to determine. The magnetic flux would mask any bio-energy emanations.

    RIKER: Mister Worf, will that interference affect the Transporter Beam?

    WORF: Yes, Commander. An Away Team would have to take a shuttlecraft.

    Analysis: Transporters: they can't transport through the natural magnetic field of an inhabitable moon.

    Simple English: Normal magnetic fields around a planetoid screw up the transporters again.

    Season 5, Ep# 111: "Hero Worship"

    PICARD: Transporter room one, can you lock onto him? And transport directly to sickbay?

    HUTCHINSON: I'll try, Captain ... but there's a lot of shielding to pull him through.

    HUTCHINSON: The lock is holding. I just can't resolve the matter stream. Not with all that victurium alloy in the way ... Commander Riker. You'll have to get him out into the corridor.

    Analysis/Simple English: Transporters: they can't transport through "victurium" alloy. Its an alloy, a simple metal mixture and they can't transport through it.

    Season 6, Ep# 131: "Schisms"

    GEORDI: We've set up a containment field in Cargo Bay Four. But the rupture just keeps expanding. I'd say we've got another five or six hours before it breaches the hull.

    PICARD: Can we still beam the affected sections into space? DATA: No sir. The spatial rupture is creating severe nucleonic interference. It is impossible to obtain a positive lock on the bulkheads.

    Analysis: Transporters: transporters can't be used in the presence of "nucleonic interference". Since we can generate nucleonic radiation today (and it's a natural byproduct of nuclear fusion and fission reactions), this means that transporters are ineffective in the presence of a lightly shielded nuclear fission or fusion reactor.

    We saw how even a well-shielded nuclear reactor aboard the 20th century USS Enterprise could interfere with sensors, communications, phasers and transporters in ST4; this is merely another example of that well- established trend.

    Simple English: A modern or near future fission or fusion reactor would be enough to block ST transporters from working.

    Season 6, Ep# 132: "True Q"

    AMANDA: Why are you taking everything down in shuttlecraft?

    GEORDI: We can't use the transporters because of all the ionization in the Tagran atmosphere.

    Analysis: Transporters: an unusually large concentration of ions in the atmosphere of an inhabitable planet can make transporters useless.

    Simple English: There is only so much radiation a livable planet can have...and it blocks transport.

    Season 6, Ep# 148: "Suspicions"

    PICARD: Mister Worf, can we beam him out of there? WORF: The solar radiation is interfering... he must be at least five- hundred thousand kilometers from the star before we can get a transporter lock.

    Analysis/Simple English: Transporters: they can't beam Jo'bril out of his shuttle because of the solar radiation. This means that mundane electromagnetic radiation can block transporters.

    Season 7, Ep# 160: "Attached"

    DATA: There is nothing wrong with the Transporter. I have run a complete diagnostic and checked all the targeting components.

    RIKER: Then what happened to the Captain and Doctor Crusher?

    WORF: Commander. The Transporter sensor log shows an unusual concentration of antigraviton particles in the emitter coil. These particles do not occur naturally -- something must have interfered with the Transporter.

    RIKER: Interfered?

    DATA: A concentration of antigraviton particles would suggest a tractor beam. It might have deflected the Transporter beam to a different set of coordinates.

    Analysis/Simple English: Transporters: they can be deflected, misdirected, and otherwise manipulated by tractor beams!

    Simple english: transporters are virtually worthless in a combat situation. How would the Borg even bring down planetary shields?

    That's all? The Borg have many more Cubes than the Empire has ISD's it seems!


    They must be pretty f***ing stupid then, if they send them one at a time against the Federation. What marvelous abilities of adaptation they have!


    • The truth about ATST's and ATAT's


      • I think SM's site give a more detailed analysis of AT-STs.
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        For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


        • geez... you guys have been busy going over all the same stuff from previous threads OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

          So it's with great pleasure that I close this thread since it's over the 500 post limit. Feel free to start another thread, as somebody always seems to do, so that you can argue the same things over and over again
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

