Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
Try "Celts should be able to kill all other Europeans". Might hit a little closer to home for all the Eurocom Israel-haters...
Try "Celts should be able to kill all other Europeans". Might hit a little closer to home for all the Eurocom Israel-haters...

Well, it's no surprise, since Americans usually believe that anybody who dares thinking Israel is making terrible mistakes only furthering war and hatred is a "Israel-hater" (I'm surprised I haven't been called an antisemite yet).
There is a reason I mentioned adult settlers. And that's because these people have chosen to move in a settlement that is not their home. And they have chosen to move in a harsh environment, in harsh economic conditions, for their political beliefs of Eretz Israel. I'm not talking about the "old" settlements around Jerusalem that are becoming more ordinary cities. I am not talking about those many Israelis who were born in Israel, who have always lived there, and for whom it is their country without a doubt. I am talking about the villages in Gaza and West Bank, in the heart of a territory full of Palestinians.
Yes, I think these people are valid targets for the Palestinians, just like European settlers in America were valid targets for the natives who saw their land stolen, just like Celt settlers in Europe were valid targets for those they had just pushed back, etc. Settlement is a common strategy of conquest, and I fail to see what makes it OK to kill invading soldiers, while it is not OK to kill invading settlers.
Especially in a context such as Israel, where soldiers are drafted, while settlers are willing to even commit sacrifices for their cause.
Again, this does not apply to children, or to people who grew up in these settlements.