1. GM food is absolutely unncessary. Food shortage is not caused by a shortfall in food production. It's the distribution.
"We", as in EU countries have too much food since our own spineless goverments are licking farmers (the only special interest group in EU currently) butts' and giving huge subsidies to 'em for farming (farming subsidies [incl. tobacco subs.] take up more than 2/3 of the federal budget, don't they?). If we cut down the subsidies, the overproduction will stall and we'll save a ****load of money. Effectivily genetically modified food is more efficient to produce, thus more land is freed for special biodiversity areas and cities. And let's not forget that it also means that less workers are needed to produce the same amount as before.
2. GM crop seeds are sterile, that means the farmers cannot harvest seeds for next year, but must rely on large GM companies to supply them.
It's the same people complaining about that NOW who before were complaining that the seeds could reproduce and "contaminate" other plants.
4. GM crops kill things like butterflies, insects that pollenate the plants. Good move, that.
GM crop was better for the environment that the organic crop