Afghanistan isn't a fair comparison. It has NOTHING. absolutely NOTHING. It will certainly take a LOT of time to build it. I actually think that the US' grade on Afghanistan is fair.
I wouldn't trust the US to be the world's policeman. It is terribly biased, no doubt. But it seems to be willing to do good in Afghanistan, and in Iraq. I say we should let it. The Americans want the Iraqi oil? The Iraqis wouldn't care who'll build it, and who will they get the dividents from. (And saying that a UN administration won't give away nice condition is at best wishful thinking. Would YOU place an investment in current Iraq, unless you had some nice conditions?)

So once again. World's policeman? no way. But for THIS PARTICULAR CAUSE, and since it's not like we have someone better for the job, anyway, I say, it's ok.
