OK, I just thought of something that could be a lot of fun.
The game would be about using the combined resources of Apolytoners to start a chain of translations. What I mean, is that I will choose a few sentences long paragraph that will be written in English.
Someone translates it to French. Then someone takes the French paragraph and turn it into German. From German to Italian, from Italian to Spanish, from Spanish to Chinese, etc.
At last, someone will translate it back to English, and we'll see what the result is compared to the original paragraph.
If this sounds like fun to you, post in this thread and specify what are the languages you feel like you know enough to put at use in the game.
I will then prepare a chain of people and make it as long as possible. The first person in the chain will receive the sentence by PM, and when he's done with the work he'll send what he's done to the next person in the chain, and so forth- the point being, of course, that no one should know what the original sentence is.
Your turn now!
(I will crosspost this in the other games forum).
The game would be about using the combined resources of Apolytoners to start a chain of translations. What I mean, is that I will choose a few sentences long paragraph that will be written in English.
Someone translates it to French. Then someone takes the French paragraph and turn it into German. From German to Italian, from Italian to Spanish, from Spanish to Chinese, etc.
At last, someone will translate it back to English, and we'll see what the result is compared to the original paragraph.
If this sounds like fun to you, post in this thread and specify what are the languages you feel like you know enough to put at use in the game.
I will then prepare a chain of people and make it as long as possible. The first person in the chain will receive the sentence by PM, and when he's done with the work he'll send what he's done to the next person in the chain, and so forth- the point being, of course, that no one should know what the original sentence is.
Your turn now!

(I will crosspost this in the other games forum).