Originally posted by Lazarus and the Gimp
Your opinion is noted and duly dismissed. As I stated several inches higher, are you forgetting about psychological damage or are you merely ignoring it?
Your opinion is noted and duly dismissed. As I stated several inches higher, are you forgetting about psychological damage or are you merely ignoring it?
I found it very difficult to assess, therefore I deliberately left it out.
This could be one of the things where the Hospital probably failed.
If she really thought that she would be cut from Brestbone to Belly, it coulöd probably be a negligience of the Hospital, to properly and gently inform her about the procedure they wanted to perform on her and to adress all of her fears.
Sadly the psychological side is grossly neglected by many Doctors and they treat their Patients more like a broken machine which has to be fixed, than like a human beings with feelings and fears.
So, the psychological side of the case could indeed be a reason fo an Exoneration.