It's not all encompassing of course. What I am basically saying is that since Christian religion was born in Israel by Jews it inevitably absorbed plenty of their cultural values. With the spread of Christianity these values expanded by the "vehicle" of Christianity. For example in ancient Greece or Rome it would have been ridiculous and incomprehensible to be ashamed of your genitalia or to uphold the notion that pleasure is sin. Such ascetism was alien to these regions. Sparta was ascetic but in a different way.
For all purposes, I'd add that IMHO the Jewish God (or Christian if you prefer) is much more humane than the Dodecatheon, which was more human and thus more cruel. I'm talking about Christianity's core teachings of "love one another" not about the inherent Jewish conservative notions that inevitably were incoprorated into the religious dogma of Christianity.
For all purposes, I'd add that IMHO the Jewish God (or Christian if you prefer) is much more humane than the Dodecatheon, which was more human and thus more cruel. I'm talking about Christianity's core teachings of "love one another" not about the inherent Jewish conservative notions that inevitably were incoprorated into the religious dogma of Christianity.