Originally posted by skywalker
I respect Elok FAR more than I respect you (given that you act like a moron). He is serious and rational, whereas you rant and rave. An atheist who isn't open to other modes of thought and who derides religious people as somehow inferior is no better than someone like Fred Phelps.
I respect Elok FAR more than I respect you (given that you act like a moron). He is serious and rational, whereas you rant and rave. An atheist who isn't open to other modes of thought and who derides religious people as somehow inferior is no better than someone like Fred Phelps.
I haven't derided any of the religionistas as 'inferior'. I have repeatedly said they are welcome to their beliefs as long as their beliefs in supernatural beings do not impinge upon my civil rights. I'm not an 'a -theist' or an 'a- gnostic'.
Elok's 'rationality' extends as far as I can tell, to presuming I'm a woman (all evidence to the contrary) on the basis of my forum name (are you a Star Wars character? Is Boris an operatic part?), treating me 'differently' on that basis, telling me I have opinions not beliefs, and making circular arguments about supernatural beings.
I'm familiar with that species of rational thought, having been inculcated in the tenets of the Catholic faith since an early age.
Respect Elok all you want, but his alcohol fuelled posts contained more than a little of the 'ol' time religion' rant and rave.
And that definitely ends my participation in this thread. If you want to reply skywalker, p.m. me, otherwise please don't bother.