Biology lecture #1:
The picture below is a blastocyst, which is what you get when the fertilized egg has divided for a few days. The cells of the "inner cell mass" are those that would eventually develop into a human, if the blastocyst implanted into a healthy uterus. These cells can be removed from the blastocyst and grown in culture. They are then referred to as "embryonic stem cells". These cells have the potential to differentiate into any cell type in the body. You just need to bribe them with the correct mix of growth factors and stuff like that, which btw is the difficult part
The picture below is a blastocyst, which is what you get when the fertilized egg has divided for a few days. The cells of the "inner cell mass" are those that would eventually develop into a human, if the blastocyst implanted into a healthy uterus. These cells can be removed from the blastocyst and grown in culture. They are then referred to as "embryonic stem cells". These cells have the potential to differentiate into any cell type in the body. You just need to bribe them with the correct mix of growth factors and stuff like that, which btw is the difficult part
