Thank you Emperor Fabulous. 
So will the recognition in law provide acceptance in society? Is 'feeling left out' a good reason to grant benefits?
If a man can give all his inheritence to his dog, I don't see why they would not let someone name whomever they want as next of kin.
So why not let long-term boyfriends and girlfriends have equivalent access in health plans? Don't they love each other?
If it doesn't need the government, why should they intervene?
So gays should be able to adopt children just because they want to adopt children? I'm going to have to ask you whether the majority of gay couples will want to have children.

Reason 1: Love. Gays want to be able to express their love in exactly the same way as straights. They want to be able to stick a ring on their partners finger, have a huge ceremony, and have it recognized in the eyes of society.
Reason 2: Inheretance. At this time, only those who have been married have any right to the assets of their partners. Gay people, since they can't be married, have to give up what their partner had to the next of kin.
Reason 3: Health. Insurance companies will accomadate spouses and children. They will not accomodate girlfriends/boyfriends. Thus, gay people have to find two seperate health plans.
Reason 4: Commitment. Goes with love. They are saying that they are pledging their lives to another person. While that doesn't NEED the government, they want the right to be recognized BY the government as much as heterosexuals do. If heterosexuals didn't care if it were recognition of commitment, there would be fair less recognized marraiges.
Reason 5: Children. Believe it or not, gays can be as good or bad as straight parents. If the government allows gays to marry, it would almost eliminate any hesitation to grant them rights to adopt.