Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
Not in France. Such 'non-demeaning ways' now extends to all such accessories worn in a classroom by a student.
Not in France. Such 'non-demeaning ways' now extends to all such accessories worn in a classroom by a student.
that it´s not just the western christian countries which regulate which clothes students are allowed to wear and which not.
Also Turkey, as an islamic Country has some strict Clothing regulations in Universities and administrative Buildings.
Students and People who work für the Administration are not allowed to wear a Fez or a veil.
Kemal Atatürk introduced them at the Beginning of 20th century as an effort to diminish the power of islamistic movements within Turkey and to turn Turkey into a modern western State.
And I think he was somehow successful, because, despite Turky having some Flaws (such as the Struggle with the Kurds) it is still a more secular country where also Women possess a lot of freedoms they don´t have in other islamic countries.