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Germans gone Wild!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Ned
    I would understand some Germans hating us for our brutality during WWII against them.
    You fought a brutal regime with admittedly brutal methods. It doesn't make you look like the noble savior in shiny armor. But it is understood and forgiven as long as the wrong is admitted.

    However, they hate us for liberating them from the Nazi's, standing up to the USSR to keep them free and helping them get the East back.
    Double-bull. First, we don't hate you for this. Second, the USSR has done at least as much as you and paid a much higher bloodtoll, since directly attacked.

    It was Mr. Reagan who said, "Mr. Gorbochev, Tear down that wall." But it is America they hate, not the USSR. It is Ronald Reagan they dispise, not Gorby.
    Reagan was a mad old actor. Do I despise him? Yes, somehow I do, but that's personal, not national, and it has nothing to do with his speech in front of the wall. Do I hate the current US administration? Yes again. Does this mean I hate the USA? No.

    And for what would I despise Gorby? Reagan demanded to tear down the wall. Words. Gorby has greatly helped to get it done. Deeds.

    And for this, I say to German people, "You can go to H."
    No I won't apply for a green card.

    Seriously, I wouldn't say anything like this to the American people. Many Americans are my friends. But this is for you personally: Eat **** and die!

    Oh and on-topic: I have penis in curry sauce for lunch. Yummy!


    • #77
      About conscenting, there was this case, years away now, where a young woman, obviously suffering from severe depression, asked a parking lot man to kill her. After lots of discussion he did it. He got lots of years in prison.

      The correct approach would have been to (doh) direct her to a psychiatrist.

      Some journalists tried to make a romantic nostalgic sweet self destruction fairy tale out of it.

      However the balding head of the parking lot guy and his absolute lack of any "romeo" features kind of ruined their romantic plan. Now he's out of jail after winning parole (?) and noone gives him a job to the "sinister lover/mercyful killer".
      Last edited by Bereta_Eder; February 3, 2004, 07:51.


      • #78
        oh my. I bet Ned is 15 years old and a fat nerd. go play with DarkCloud.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Ned
          This sounds like a Catch-22. Euthanasia is legal in Germany. However if one requests euthanasia, the person is determined by law to be legally insane and therefore incapable of giving valid consent. Therefore anybody who kills a person who requests euthanasia is at least guilty of manslaughter.
          Euthanasia is not legal in Germany.
          "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
          "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.


          • #80
            Originally posted by mrmitchell
            If a guy asks you to rob his bank, does that make it any less of a criminal act?

            Depends on whether or not the guy owns the bank and the money in it.


            What is "sane", legally? And what should it be anyway? I don't find it at least too far fetched that the same productive citizen in society can want to be eaten. Now, I do think he's a sick ****, but I think the same of a lot of other people without calling them insane.

            IIRC the legal definition of sanity is "able to distinguish right from wrong".


            • #81

              GERMANS GONE WILD!!11

              Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

              - Paul Valery


              • #82
                F*cking stupid


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                  You fought a brutal regime with admittedly brutal methods. It doesn't make you look like the noble savior in shiny armor. But it is understood and forgiven as long as the wrong is admitted.

                  Seriously, I wouldn't say anything like this to the American people. Many Americans are my friends. But this is for you personally: Eat **** and die!
                  Sir Ralph: More crap from modern deluded Germans. If you have been following my posts here for some time, I am one of the very few Americans who are truly sorry for what we did during WWII and would like for us to formally apologize to Germany.

                  I, for my entire life, supported a free, unified Germany. I never thought it would happen. But it is clear that we Americans had a great deal to do with keeping Germany free and for causing the collapse of communism in the East.

                  And it is me and other Americans like me that you hate?

                  This is too much.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Wernazuma III

                    Euthanasia is not legal in Germany.
                    I thought from your post that it was.

                    Also, from other posts here, I thought euthanasia was legalized in Germany in the 1930s.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Ned
                      for causing the collapse of communism in the East.
                      Yep. Clear as fog

                      And it is me and other Americans like me that you hate?
                      Yes ned, I hate you SO MUCH

                      This is too much.
                      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Ecthelion
                        oh my. I bet Ned is 15 years old and a fat nerd. go play with DarkCloud.
                        Ecthelion, I am truly disappoint in what Germany has become.


                        • #87
                          In America can you revoke people's right to vote on reasons of insanity?



                          • #88

                            I would understand some Germans hating us for our brutality during WWII against them. However, they hate us for liberating them from the Nazi's, standing up to the USSR to keep them free and helping them get the East back. It was Mr. Reagan who said, "Mr. Gorbochev, Tear down that wall." But it is America they hate, not the USSR. It is Ronald Reagan they dispise, not Gorby.

                            And for this, I say to German people, "You can go to H."
                            To summarize your point, the Germans in general can go to hell because some of them aren't showing enough gratitude? And hate is not too strong a word for German feelings on the U.S? I'd like to see you back up some of your claims, especially the claim that modern day Germans hate you or your country for getting rid of the Nazis. If you can prove this in some way or another, it would be truly remarkable. But if you can't, and assuming you're actually serious about this, I'd say you're the one showing a hateful approach.


                            • #89
                              Monk, We did a lot for the German people since 1945. Think of the Marshall Plan. Think of our maintaining a large army there for 50 years to hold off the Bear. Think of our global resistance to communism that gave Germany back its Eastern territories.

                              We asked for nothing in return until we were attacked on 9/11. We then asked for Germany's support. What did we get? We got a German election campaign based on anti-Americanism. Our president was bashed, not by the lunatic fringe of Germany, but by the German government itself!!!!!!! Then, when push came to shove at the UN, Germany is the leader (with France) of the opposition to the US.

                              Such actions are not worthy of an ally, a friend or a country that owes us so much.

                              There is a saying, is there not, that no good deed goes unpunished. Well Germany has shown the truth of that statement -- in spades.


                              • #90
                                We then asked for Germany's support. What did we get? We got a German election campaign based on anti-Americanism.
                                Actually Ned, NATO gave America its' support. Guess who rebuffed them? That's right....The United States.

                                I'm glad though....It was one of many events which would eventually give tide to a huge wave of anti-americanism around the world
                                Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                                Long live teh paranoia smiley!

