Originally posted by Ned
As to the point about the people being against the war, it seems that this attitude was greatly influenced by European media who virtually campaigned against the war claiming that it was all about America's Imperialism and not about its security. Not so?
As to the point about the people being against the war, it seems that this attitude was greatly influenced by European media who virtually campaigned against the war claiming that it was all about America's Imperialism and not about its security. Not so?
The media here is open to BBC, CNN and FOX, has one of the worlds highest internet connctions per capita.
An yet barely 50 percent were ever for it! And that survey were taken at the moment of immediate action. No survey has been taken since.
I only wish you would understand that people are tired of war. They see people suffering in the third world. They see refugees coming to their countries fleeing from war after war. They see a rising tide of frustration. And they see a USA which is not how it used to be.
This is beacuse, thank goodness, people are still capable of drawing their own conclusions.