Mine would be, in order of importance:
1) Pro life- Stop the killing!
2) Pro environment- Kyoto YES! In 15 years no car allowed on the road that gets less than 45 mpg. Harsh? Yes, wtf, it'll never happen. Increase gas prices to $3.00 a gallon. Use the taxes raised to balance the budget. Also, no new housing in areas that can produce crops. Save the rainforest, buy the damn thing and put up a fence. Population control, increased taxes for every child in a family.
3) Free trade
4) Balance the budget
5) Term limits. Three terms max per office. Increase House to 4 years.
6) Racially blind. No advances due to race.
7) Yopu gotta work. Unless you're impared, no welfare.
8) Increase min wage to $8.00. Ppl gotta eat.
9) 2 week notice for employers to fire an empolyee unless they can prove theft.
10) Work with other nations to establish worldwide environmental laws. Countrys violating these laws can legally have tarriffs placed on their good.
11) Erm, may think of more later.
So, what would your perfect political party stand for?
1) Pro life- Stop the killing!
2) Pro environment- Kyoto YES! In 15 years no car allowed on the road that gets less than 45 mpg. Harsh? Yes, wtf, it'll never happen. Increase gas prices to $3.00 a gallon. Use the taxes raised to balance the budget. Also, no new housing in areas that can produce crops. Save the rainforest, buy the damn thing and put up a fence. Population control, increased taxes for every child in a family.
3) Free trade
4) Balance the budget
5) Term limits. Three terms max per office. Increase House to 4 years.
6) Racially blind. No advances due to race.
7) Yopu gotta work. Unless you're impared, no welfare.
8) Increase min wage to $8.00. Ppl gotta eat.
9) 2 week notice for employers to fire an empolyee unless they can prove theft.
10) Work with other nations to establish worldwide environmental laws. Countrys violating these laws can legally have tarriffs placed on their good.
11) Erm, may think of more later.
So, what would your perfect political party stand for?