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The new Tories, sleeping with Belinda Stronach

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  • #16
    Bring back Refooooooorm!!!

    Now there's a face you could love!
    "I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone's teeth get cleaner?" -Frank Zappa
    "A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue, but moderation in principle is always a vice."- Thomas Paine
    "I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours." -Bob Dylan


    • #17
      What have we 'won' if we become Liberal lite?


      That's after his makeover. He's not wearing his glasses.
      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


      • #18
        Originally posted by Lazarus and the Gimp
        British Tories don't look like that. They look like flappy-breasted old witches with insane hair. The women look even worse.
        Don't say that. I still have nightmares about John Major servicing Edwina Currie.
        Only feebs vote.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
          What have we 'won' if we become Liberal lite?
          A chance to actually put some of your policies into action.

          She did say, specifically, that the power of religious organisations to determine whom they would marry would remain untouched.
          Only feebs vote.


          • #20
            Even Svend Robinson says that.

            I don't think you need to come out for gay marriage in order to be elected. There are plenty of conservative voters who are not happy with the liberal party. I'd rather see the Tories pick up those votes in the next elections, rather than abandoning their identity.
            Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
            "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


            • #21
              I think gay marriage is a non-issue for most canadians WRT who they will vote for.
              "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
              "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
              "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


              • #22
                Everyone I know considers it to be THE issue of the election.
                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                • #23
                  I guess we run in different circles...mostly university age or just graduated young men and women with jobs in teaching, biological sciences, and tech?
                  "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                  "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                  "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


                  • #24
                    The biggest thing an anti stance would do is serve the NDP and Liberals in denouncing the New Tories as yet more Western based right wing extremists. Whether it is true or not, that is the image the Tories have to ditch if they want to have a prayer of forming a government.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #25
                      4 years ago, Mr. Chretien affirmed that Marriage ought to be between one man and one woman. If affirming such a position today makes one a right wing extremist, what has changed so much in 4 years?
                      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                      2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                      • #26
                        I think it sucks that you are all focusing on Ms Stronach's ideas and principles, you should be focusing on her as a bootylicious piece of Tory ass.

                        What is the world coming to.
                        Only feebs vote.


                        • #27
                          The Supreme Court, and Canadian society.

                          I would be interested to see poll numbers on the issue, but I would be surprised if a clear majority did not favour churches being able to perform the ceremony for gays if they wish to, and for that ceremony to then be recognised by the state.
                          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                            Everyone I know considers it to be THE issue of the election.
                            Really? Interesting.

                            Most of the non-college-folk* I encounter seem to think money (in the form of Mad Cow, trade, and good ol' tax cuts) is the make-or-break deal, as per usual. Even here, in the Texas of Canada, most people don't give two craps about gay marriage.

                            *I discluded college folk because I wanted to make clear that these weren't just left-wing ideologues I was talking to... And yes, most of the people I talk to at Uni are either left-wing ideologues or completely a-political.
                            "I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone's teeth get cleaner?" -Frank Zappa
                            "A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue, but moderation in principle is always a vice."- Thomas Paine
                            "I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours." -Bob Dylan


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Agathon

                              Don't say that. I still have nightmares about John Major servicing Edwina Currie.
                              Or Mulroney servicing Reagan:

                              " That tight enough for ya, Ron?"

                              In Great Britain it is a truism that many Tory politicians resemble Ann Widdecombe, and the majority of them are male.

                              In Australia, many Liberal (the Down Under Tories) male pollies look like Eichmann and the women resemble Ilse Koch (yes, Bronwyn Bishop, we're talking about you) unless they look like a pregnant manatee (Amanda Vanstone).
                              Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                              ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


                              • #30
                                Well, most of the people I see in a regular basis will be conservatives, some idealogues, and some most certainly not.

                                One of the things that really attracted me to Denise, were the positions we shared on these issues often superceding church differences.


                                Canadian society changes so dramatically in 4 years? I think not.

                                did not favour churches being able to perform the ceremony for gays if they wish to,
                                The devil is in the details. Let's suppose you asked the question, do you believe that marriage should be redefined from one man and one woman to 2 men or 2 women, and see how well you do.
                                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                                2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!

