Let me be more clear about the exam itself. It varies what it will be like, but you get to have the earlier year exams if you want to, and many times answers to them too. So, nwo you can figure out if there's a pattern or not. I found a pattern for example, and was able to capitalize on that. I had to do programming for the exam, so I only got some clue what kind of level programming it will be, not what the question will be, so I could better prepare myself. I could exercize with earlier year questions. Anyone could do this.
Then one question was logic. That's it, no other hints. You can't prepare for this so good. Sure you can read some logic questions books, but .. what ever.
And third question was.. surprise question, that is different every time, and it measures how fast you can comprehend a long text and answer questions where you need to use the information on the text and come up with results, based on that text and before you can do that, you have to understand what it really was. It's full of misguiding sentences and paragraphs, and little difficult to understand and you don't have all the time to read it.
If anyone got prep classes, ok.. but they don't give huge advantage! You can train yourself, and if you decide to concentrate on thinking how the other ones are now sitting in comfortable classes, hey you're on the wrong track and waisting energy instead of training.
Other areas.. law, mathematics, doctors.. what ever, there are no multiple questions. You have to know the area. YOu might have to write an essay. You can train writing essays yourself. It's not a grammar competition.
Yeah, they train taking tests, but so what? You can train on your own! And youh ave taken tests all your life before this, it's not like the first time and you don't know what to do.
So, it's purely up to you how you do 100%!
Then one question was logic. That's it, no other hints. You can't prepare for this so good. Sure you can read some logic questions books, but .. what ever.
And third question was.. surprise question, that is different every time, and it measures how fast you can comprehend a long text and answer questions where you need to use the information on the text and come up with results, based on that text and before you can do that, you have to understand what it really was. It's full of misguiding sentences and paragraphs, and little difficult to understand and you don't have all the time to read it.
If anyone got prep classes, ok.. but they don't give huge advantage! You can train yourself, and if you decide to concentrate on thinking how the other ones are now sitting in comfortable classes, hey you're on the wrong track and waisting energy instead of training.
Other areas.. law, mathematics, doctors.. what ever, there are no multiple questions. You have to know the area. YOu might have to write an essay. You can train writing essays yourself. It's not a grammar competition.
Yeah, they train taking tests, but so what? You can train on your own! And youh ave taken tests all your life before this, it's not like the first time and you don't know what to do.
So, it's purely up to you how you do 100%!