The foundation of a moral system
Since when has politics had to do with logic? For that matter, since when has the average person been trained in formal logic? People are stupid - get used to it
Whaleboy, too bad you are too stupid to deal with real useful analysis and thinking and have to stick to philosophy instead.
BTW, does your pvssy hurt?
Almost no one thinks that morality is a matter of logic. Then again, almost no one thinks that "water boils at 100 degrees centigrade at sea level" has anything to do with logic either.
Logical truths are tautologies and as such are uninformative.
Logical truths are tautologies and as such are uninformative.
I think morality is logical within certain context, for example, telling me what to do in certain circumstances, but since that is a product of my emotional disposition, I suppose I have my own tailor made version of utilitarianism (Id) and virtue theory (superego) (I'm using the Freudian model as a simplistic illustration of course) that I use in real life, with a more complex philosophy on top for my logical purposes (relativism et al).
Whaleboy, does hatred of war sanction injustice?
We just pretend it is to get girls into bed.