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What religion are you?

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  • #76
    Why isn't there an "other" option?

    For instance, I very strongly believe in God.... but quite differently than most everyone.


    • #77
      and what about "Boudist"???

      I'm still laughing....
      Nah, I was referring to his correction of the spelling.

      As for the actual poll, I can't decide what's more amusing: seperating "Protestanism" from "Christianity" or including both "Muslim" and "Islam."
      "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


      • #78
        Originally posted by Ramo

        Nah, I was referring to his correction of the spelling.

        As for the actual poll, I can't decide what's more amusing: seperating "Protestanism" from "Christianity" or including both "Muslim" and "Islam."
        maybe he meant sune and **** muslims?


        • #79
          Speaking of interesting spelling mistakes....

          I don't know what he meant, but I think he's very confused.
          "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


          • #80
            "i'm catholic in the same sense that if a cow is born in a tree, it's a bird."

            raised roman catholic, now agnostic.
            "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
            - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


            • #81
              and protestants are totally different from Catholics. i know a lutheran that flips out when you call him catholic. friggin religious people scare me.
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


              • #82
                Why shouldnt He believe in azazel? at least he exists.

                You know, it wasn't supposed to be that way. If he wasn't such a goddamn tyrant, and would've let us do some stuff around, like all the other Normal pantheons, we wouldn't have rebelled against him. but NOOOOO, Y had to supervise all the stuff. Hey, cut us some slack, we aren't just drones, you know....****, we, we were... Freedom Fighters! Yep! that's right! But now, he's been badmouthing us for a couple of thousands of years, and saying how we're all 'evil', and stuff... , and he's supposedly this good god, and we're evil demons. Yeah, explain your way out of the holocaust, 'my good lord'.


                • #83
                  If your real interest is how many people celebrate Christmas, I'm afraid this poll isn't going to tell you jack-****. I'm atheist, but I celebrate Christmas because my wife and kid do. At least in the U.S., plenty of atheists celebrate it because their kids would feel deprived if they didn't. I don't know for sure, but I'll bet quite a few American Jews and even Muslims who aren't too serious about their religions celebrate Christmas as the path of least resistance.
                  "THE" plus "IRS" makes "THEIRS". Coincidence? I think not.


                  • #84
                    I'm agnostic.

                    Must agree with the statement once a catholic always a catholic.

                    - Christianity - Catholicism (sp?)
                    - Protestantism - Anglican
                    - Baptist
                    - JW
                    - Etc
                    Christians all believe in a one true God and in Jesus and follow the teachings of the bible in various ways according to their interpretations.

                    - Islam (religion) - Muslim (followers are called this) - Sunni
                    - Shiite (sp?)
                    - I don't think there are any more, correct me if I'm wrong please.
                    Muslims believe in Allah, the one true god and something to do with with a fellow named Mohammed the Messenger or something to that effect.

                    -Judaism (sorry again sp?) - hmmm ok running into my brick wall of religions now.

                    - Then we have the rest like the Asian religions which I am very ignorant off
                    - Also paganism
                    - Atheist
                    - Agnostic (not really a religion though)
                    - Plus the rest which i have close to no knowledge on at all.

                    Oh as a disclaimer. I don't claim to know everything with religion. The stuff I wrote up above is just what I've gotten the jist of over the years (yes almost all 19 of them). This is for Specs benefit so he ain't so ignorant anymore. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

                    Ok I'm gonna shut up now.


                    • #85
                      If the virgin mary had anal or oral sex, would she still be a virgin?
                      Depends enitrely on what u class as losing your virginity. Flip waits for following what constitutes as losing your virginity argument.

                      Oh what atheist/agnostic argument. I though these two groups got on just fine.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by alva
                        There are ove one billion Catholics

                        I'm not going to debate the numbers, but they do count, for example most of europe in. Now I'm more then willing to take you on a tour visiting some churches, let me tell that besides the priest and 2 or 3 old ladies with full blown alzheimer you are very unlikely to see anyone in the house of the lord.
                        Like I said before, born a catholic, always a catholic, nothing you can do about it.
                        I don't understand what you're driving at Do you have a problem with what I said?
                        Anabaptist families

                        Never heard of this one before. What's special about them?
                        They don't believe in baptising young children. This group of Calvinist-like churches consisted of a number of denominations and were prevalent in Bohemia, Moravia, south-western Poland and the Rhineland area of Germany in the late 16th century. When the wars of the Reformation ended they were totally screwed, not having been allowed the slightest accomodation in the treaties. They were forced out of central Europe to the Netherlands and then encouraged to move on again to England, where they were again heartily encouraged to move onward yet again. A large portion of the Pilgrims actually came from displaced Anabaptist families, most of whom changed their names to English names upon arrival in England. Other groups eventually settled in Pennsylvania, Conneticut, and the Carolinas.
                        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                        • #87
                          aesthetically perfect quotes layout!


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Spec
                            When you are a baby, you cant say:'' Ummm, listen mom and dad, I dont beleive in God and I dont want to get baptised. Now get your hands of me!!''
                            I could.
                            Yet another example of Spec's fine ignorance that lets me select the 'ignorance' poll option.


                            • #89
                              Religion? I invent my own 'religion' (in the sense that I abstain from religion).
                              Why do we have to believe some grandiose thing anyway? Sure explainations are nice but can't we live with not knowing all of the answers?

                              December the 25th, the Festival of Shopping, isn't special to me, it's just what other people tend to do on that day.
                              As my gift-giving I bless people with my presence (not a typo) and IMO that should be more than sufficient.

                              -If- God exists as in the Bible then he's an arrogant shortsighted idiot; in fact he's a good representation of a spoilt brat who thinks he can do everything.
                              And they say we were made in his image... True dat brother...


                              • #90
                                -If- God exists as in the Bible then he's an arrogant shortsighted idiot; in fact he's a good representation of a spoilt brat who thinks he can do everything.

                                If God exists as in the Bible, he can do everything

