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Saddan Captive willnot end resistence!

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  • I swear he's a DL...
    I'm going to rub some stakes on my face and pour beer on my chest while I listen Guns'nRoses welcome to the jungle and watch porno. Lesbian porno.
    Supercitzen Pekka


    • Next year will be the best time to China to invade Taiwan as America combat strenght is tie up in Iraq. The only way American can stop that invade is to use nuclear weapons and China have ICBM that can hit any city in America with than themonuclear warhead of up to 20 megton. China has enought ICBM to destory every major america cities. Donot believe than Star War bull****. All of there tests are done under ideal condion, they know than missile is comeing and what direction it is comeing from. Real condion is not knowing when missiles are comeing and at what direction. Plus it can take afew minutes to get than missile ready to fire.
      By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


      • star wars isn't even deployed yet.

        and we can tell where the launches are coming from. that's what satellites and norad are for...


        • Originally posted by Q Cubed
          star wars isn't even deployed yet.

          and we can tell where the launches are coming from. that's what satellites and norad are for...
          There are other thing you need to know to aim than ABM at a
          missile. President Ike turn down one just system as just plain supid and wasted of taxpayer money.Nike Zeus based on the Niked Hercuules air defense system. It would have detonate than 1 to 10 megton Themonuclear warhead over your city at 25 miles hight to destory than income USSR missile warhead, while destorying your own city with the Nike
          Zeus warhead. The total cost would have being over 6 trillion dollar(1956) to built nation wide plus you must figure in cost overrun, knick back, bridery into the final cost. It would have end up costing over 18 trillion dollar(1956 dollar).

          Trival answer: Auther E. Newman than person that doesnot exist except in Mad magine was make than Field Marchel of the America military. Mad did than story that poke at the famous line TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER. Two alien landed outside one of our military base walk up to guard on duty than said in perfect English TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER. The pfc took then to the copl the copl took them to the sergeant an all way up to the president. There
          was people in our government who want to take legal action against MAD to dare pokeing fun at the President, when Ike read the MAD issue he started to laught at hummor it make of the military ranking system that he sign
          than presidental order make Auther E. Newman than official Field Marchel of the America military force.
          By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.

