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Saddan Captive willnot end resistence!

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  • So, Saudi intelligence contacted the US on your behalf?

    Are you a schizomaniac or the American ambassador in Columbia having fun with the taxpayer's broadband connection?
    In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


    • Are you a schizomaniac or the American ambassador in Columbia having fun with the taxpayer's broadband connection?

      Actually, he's mentally retarded (literally).


      • Originally posted by CharlesBHoff
        The main reason for Germany succeff was they have their orginate into armous units that where fast moveing while the french tanks where slow moveing infantry support tank
        spead thought out the french armies.

        CharlesBHoff actually said something true

        Does it mean he isn't 100% high when writing his posts?
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • Too many CIA agent donot use they thinking abilites to figure
          out fact. First we found one tunnel the North Korea dug under the DMZ to about afew miles behind it with out makeing any noise at all for our detector to detect. How many more tunnels are there.

          OMG I HAD NO IDEA!
          well, actually i did. thus far we've found eight tunnels, genius, that lead from the north to the south. why do you think the skoreans use seismic checks to scan the underground for tunnels?


          • Originally posted by Oncle Boris
            the American ambassador in Columbia
            Isn't Fez' father the American Ambassador in Columbia?

            OMG! CharlesBHoff is Fez' Father!!!!11!1
            "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
            "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
            "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


            • In WWII Germany defeat France in 6 week in 1940. France have more and in some case better tanks than the Germany have, they have than fortist line on the boarder of France.

              The main reason for Germany succeff was they have their orginate into armous units that where fast moveing while the french tanks where slow moveing infantry support tank
              spead thought out the french armies.


              China was planning this so how long. Than they have than plan on how to do this. Tatwan is not recognite by too many nation anymore. Than I donot think Bush will goto nuclear war over Tatwain at all. North Korea will have some unpleseant surpise for us as they will take Sequl without going throught the demilitary zone. I was talking to than officer that just got there an he agree that the North Korea have a ace up their sleeves.

              Tatwan isn't recognized by any nations for the good reason that Tatwan doesn't exist. nor does Tatwain.
              Sequl is a mystery to me, seeing as I haven't the foggiest where it is. If it's Seoul you're talking about, Nkorea has to go through the demilitarized zone to get to seoul, seeing as that's how the borders are drawn.
              Btw, what's your source?


              • Originally posted by Spiffor

                Isn't Fez' father the American Ambassador in Columbia?

                then I can understand why Fez is pissed off at this world... is there anything more immoral than being not only an American ambassador...but in FVCKING COLUMBIA!
                In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


                • Originally posted by Q Cubed
                  Don't laugh, this one is true. Although the French military didn't place as much emphasis on tanks than the Germans did, the French had a very satisfying hardware on ground, and the worst lacks (in hardware) were air.
                  When ze Germans attacked, all troops weren't stationed in the Maginot line. Actually, there were many mobile troops fighting, and they were fighting quite well where actual battles took place.
                  However, the superior mobility of the Wehrwacht took our generals completely by surprise, stuck as they were in the trenches strategy.
                  The main explanation to our constant retreats was not inferior hardware or troops, it was that our generals ordered retreat to make a consolidated position further behind, and they were surprised the Germans followed so quickly. For example, the generals believed tanks could only move at day

                  This resulted in the overall feeling that the German army was invincible, and it killed what remained of French morale.
                  "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                  "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                  "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                  • insert Champs D'Elysses joke.


                    • spiffor, i wasn't laughing at that. i was laughing at the juxtaposition of those two statements by charlesbhoff.


                      • Originally posted by TCO
                        insert Champs D'Elysses joke.

                        "Why do the Parisians line their streets with Trees?"

                        "So the Germans can march in the shade! Ba-da-bump! Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week"
                        Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                        • Originally posted by Spiffor

                          Don't laugh, this one is true. Although the French military didn't place as much emphasis on tanks than the Germans did, the French had a very satisfying hardware on ground, and the worst lacks (in hardware) were air.
                          When ze Germans attacked, all troops weren't stationed in the Maginot line. Actually, there were many mobile troops fighting, and they were fighting quite well where actual battles took place.
                          However, the superior mobility of the Wehrwacht took our generals completely by surprise, stuck as they were in the trenches strategy.
                          The main explanation to our constant retreats was not inferior hardware or troops, it was that our generals ordered retreat to make a consolidated position further behind, and they were surprised the Germans followed so quickly. For example, the generals believed tanks could only move at day

                          This resulted in the overall feeling that the German army was invincible, and it killed what remained of French morale.
                          Plus the French did something that no wargame player will
                          never do (Avalon Hill 1940) they order they troop on the Beligam border to march into Beligam to meet up with the Begigam army. They didnot bring with then they heavy weapons and they left they field forts behind. Those concrete pill box and machine would have slow down the germany. It was call the Dryan Plan.
                          By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


                          • Originally posted by Q Cubed
                            In WWII Germany defeat France in 6 week in 1940. France have more and in some case better tanks than the Germany have, they have than fortist line on the boarder of France.

                            The main reason for Germany succeff was they have their orginate into armous units that where fast moveing while the french tanks where slow moveing infantry support tank
                            spead thought out the french armies.


                            China was planning this so how long. Than they have than plan on how to do this. Tatwan is not recognite by too many nation anymore. Than I donot think Bush will goto nuclear war over Tatwain at all. North Korea will have some unpleseant surpise for us as they will take Sequl without going throught the demilitary zone. I was talking to than officer that just got there an he agree that the North Korea have a ace up their sleeves.

                            Tatwan isn't recognized by any nations for the good reason that Tatwan doesn't exist. nor does Tatwain.
                            Sequl is a mystery to me, seeing as I haven't the foggiest where it is. If it's Seoul you're talking about, Nkorea has to go through the demilitarized zone to get to seoul, seeing as that's how the borders are drawn.
                            Btw, what's your source?
                            The book of maps was hard to read as my eyes are not as good anymore.
                            By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


                            • Did you study to get that stupid?


                              • Originally posted by skywalker
                                Are you a schizomaniac or the American ambassador in Columbia having fun with the taxpayer's broadband connection?

                                Actually, he's mentally retarded (literally).
                                I than not mentally retarded as many doctors will tell you. I was born with brian damage in my speech center which also effect written lang abilities.
                                By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.

