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Yet Another Personality Quiz

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  • Yet Another Personality Quiz

    What Country Are You?

    You're Bhutan!
    With the body of a gnat and the mind of a dragon, you are a bundle of energy. You enjoy mountain-climbing, rock-climbing, stair-climbing, pretty much any kind of climbing you can manage. This has lifted you into the clouds in more than one way, helping you achieve some inner peace above the fray of madness all around you. People would seek you out for advice if they could ever find you.
    "Although I may disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to hear me tell you how wrong you are."

  • #2
    Bhutan is hardly a bundle of energy!

    what a ****hole...


    • #3
      You're Mozambique!

      You're tired of fighting with yourself.  For years, you fought battles with yourself over every little thing you could, but now it's finally time to move on. Just
      forgetting about it looks like the best way to move on, though you really like graphic representations of machine guns for some reason. Rebuilding yourself is going to be a challenge, but with the inner peace you feel now, it's looking like a possibility. Just take the machine gun off your flag.


      • #4
        Fez would be so proud....

        You're Spain!

        You like rain on the plain, as well as interesting architecture and
        a diverse number of races and religions.  You like to explore a lot, but sailing,
        especially in large groups, never really seems to work out for you.  Beware of pirates
        and dictators bearing bombs.  And for heavens' sake, stop running around bulls!
         It's just not safe!

        the Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid



        • #5
          I tend to avoid drugs because I have a horrible feeling cannabis would suit me so well.

          You're Colombia!

          You do a lot of drugs, and these have kind of distorted your view of
          reality, to the point that everyone looks like an enemy.  You keep trying to restore
          order over your schizophrenic world view, but you don't even know which goal is your own
          and which is someone else's.  You're pretty sure someone needs to be punished for all
          this, but who that is changes all the time.  Things would be a lot better for you if
          you switched to coffee, or even to decaf, but all this money would be hard to give up.

          the Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid

          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


          • #6

            You're Sweden!

            After years of trying to rule the world around you, you've
            finally put aside violence in favor of advocating peaceful resolution.  There's
            still a little Viking in you, but mostly you like Nobel Prize winners and long
            nights by the fire.  And safe cars.  You always read the safety manual
            in airplanes, and you're just a little cold.

            face="Times New Roman">Take the Country
            at the Blue Pyramid



            • #7
              I think it's time to open a "Columbia - ****tiest flag ever?" poll thread.


              • #8
                Slowwhand will love this.

                You're Mexico!

                While some people think you're poor and maybe a little corrupt, you
                know where it's at, enjoying good food and nice beaches.  You like to take things a
                little slower than those around you, and you really wish the air were cleaner, but sometimes
                compromises must be made.  For some reason, Chevrolet keeps trying to sell you Novas
                as well, even though they don't really go.

                the Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid

                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                Do It Ourselves


                • #9
                  Did it again and got the UN
                  Most people think you're ineffective, but you are trying to completely save the world from itself, so there's always going to be a long way to go.
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #10

                    You're Canada!

                    People make fun of you a lot, but they're stupid because you've
                    got a much better life than they do.  In fact, they're probably just jealous.
                     You believe in crazy things like human rights and health care and not
                    dying in the streets, and you end up securing these rights for yourself and
                    others.  If it weren't for your weird affection for ice hockey, you'd be
                    the perfect person.

                    the Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid

                    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                    • #11

                      the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!

                      You have nothing to lose but your chains, and since you had
                      all these chains lying around when you lost them, you promptly put them on others.
                       Nevertheless, you are very industrious, with a knack for coming through
                      in the clutch when it looks like all is lost.  Despite your hard work,
                      many people think you no longer exist, or that you could break up at any moment.
                       You're good in theory, but the practice needs work.

                      face="Times New Roman">Take the Country
                      at the Blue Pyramid

                      This guy is such a pinko commie! No wonder he lives in Berkley.....


                      • #12
                        I am China!

                        You're China!

                        Big and powerful, you have a long history behind you with more good
                        and bad than you care to remember, or are really capable of remembering.  Lately, in
                        older age, you've gotten sort of crochety and even mean-spirited.  There is still a
                        lot that's beautiful about you, but most of the focus people have when they think about you
                        is how hard it is to work with you.  There's hope that you might start opening up to
                        people, but lots of people have bumper stickers about how much you should

                        Take the href="">Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid

                        Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                        • #13

                          You're Fiji!

                          As calm, relaxed, and removed from life as they come, you're just so
                          chilled out, it hurts people to see you.  Everyone aspires to be where you are, but
                          most of them just can't put their stress away.  Little do they know that even you
                          sometimes have inner turmoil and struggles!  For the most part, though, it's sun and
                          fun for you, and that's the way you like it.  It's just sort of hard to get things
                          done with all that partying.

                          the Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid



                          • #14
                            I'm Mexico.


                            • #15
                              And Giant Squid is a failed Vice President.

