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Another Hollywood historical travesty

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  • #31
    little teddy I was sure you would know of such a site. now use it and go **** your mama goat

    Originally posted by Dr Strangelove

    Sounds interesting. Unfortunately it's only subtitled in dutch, and probably isn't offered here in the US.

    I am however disconsolate to hear that you still have "underclasses" in Europe. You should try to avoid having them as they're very demoralizing. Maybe one reason that American films are so popular in Europe and around the world is that American films rarely insult the "underclass". You'd be amazed at how many working people really get their hackles up at being portrayed as a "underclass".

    Hey! That would make a pretty good cartoon: "Underclass"

    "There's no need to fear! Underclass is here!"

    It's not like that here. We are not afraid to look at harsh realities eye to eye And this film is very real. Not only in what it portrays but also in HOW it portrays it. Quite original directing. Recommened if you can find it in the US.


    • #32
      It is estimated that another two weeks of concentrated bombing against airfields would have seen the RAF defeated, and the road for an invasion of the U.K. open.
      Apart from the Royal Navy, the RAF rebasing to the Midlands, and two million soldiers. There was never any realistic chance of the Germans invading.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
        The synopsis is riddled with laughable historical inaccuracies

        Such as? Doc's explination seems to back the synopsis. Americans along with Poles and Czechs, etc. volunteered for the RAF.
        Yeah, but it would be a stretch of the imagination to say that the successful defense of Britain hinged on a few American fliers covertly recruited in the US. The French, Poles, and Czecks didn't have to be covertly recruited as they were drawn from the ranks of refugees already living in Britain.

        You also have to realize that since the dogfights were almost exclusively fought in British airspace, British pilots who were able to bail out could be put back into service, while German pilots shot down would be lost to the Luftwaffe. I think the British actually had a harder time keeping enough fighters in service for awhile.
        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


        • #34
          Navy doesn't do much good without aircover.
          We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


          • #35
            No doubt the effeminate, cowardly, British chaps will be getting crushed by the invincible German war machine, until the American good ol' boys show up to kick Nazi ass.
            Umm...those good 'ol boys did show up and kick Nazi ass. But no doubt I'd wait for the movie to see how the Brits are portrayed...


            • #36
              it would be a stretch of the imagination to say that the successful defense of Britain hinged on a few American fliers covertly recruited in the US.

              Well we don't know how the movie would handle it. I don't think they'd make American fighters be the be-all, end-all of the fight, but show they were somewhat important.
              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


              • #37
                The Brits won the Battle of Britain without significant numbers of US pilots - I really dislike movies that belittle the British contributions.
                Follow me on Twitter:
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                • #38
                  im posting for the first time in a month. i think i have broken the addiction, but as to not reinitiate it, ill be going before saying my opinion.

                  "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                  - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                  Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by paiktis22
                    It's not like that here. We are not afraid to look at harsh realities eye to eye And this film is very real. Not only in what it portrays but also in HOW it portrays it. Quite original directing. Recommened if you can find it in the US.
                    Over the years there have been a number of brilliant films made in the US dealing with racism and poverty.

                    I really would like to see this film. I'm not afraid to watch subtitled foreign films. I don't speak or read dutch however. The description mentioned that the film is in French with Dutch subtitles. Is there a version wih English subtitles?
                    "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Dr Strangelove

                      Over the years there have been a number of brilliant films made in the US dealing with racism and poverty.

                      I really would like to see this film. I'm not afraid to watch subtitled foreign films. I don't speak or read dutch however. The description mentioned that the film is in French with Dutch subtitles. Is there a version wih English subtitles?
                      There is one with greek subtitles so I imagine there should be one with english as well. It is an award winning film so I'm sure there must be copies with subtitles in many languages.

                      This film is a "punch in the stomach" and it doesn't contain not even one scene of violence


                      • #41
                        Such as? Doc's explination seems to back the synopsis. Americans along with Poles and Czechs, etc. volunteered for the RAF.
                        The pilot shortage was never as acute as the synopsis claims; spitfires never 'sat idly in their hangars'. I seriously doubt that 'a desperate' Winston Churchill ordered a covert scheme to attract just 12 American pilots, desperate though he was to involve America in the war.

                        Cruise's character, Billy Fiske, undoubtably brave though he was, only flew three combat missions before dying, and did not shoot down any enemy planes. His main significance is that he was the first American pilot to die in the war.

                        I'd be surprised if they adhere to the history books on his tragically short stint flying for the RAF.

                        Umm...those good 'ol boys did show up and kick Nazi ass. But no doubt I'd wait for the movie to see how the Brits are portrayed...
                        After the Battle of Britain, not during it.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Kramerman
                          im posting for the first time in a month. i think i have broken the addiction, but as to not reinitiate it, ill be going before saying my opinion.

                          that has to be one of the most useless posts ever (no offense )

                          Good luck with your addiction :P


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                            Well we don't know how the movie would handle it. I don't think they'd make American fighters be the be-all, end-all of the fight, but show they were somewhat important.
                            The problem is the American contribution in this case was essentially irrelevant as far as pilots go. There were about 7 Americans flying during the battle of Britain, and they only shot down a total of one enemy plane. Its virtually 100% certain that the movie is going to badly butcher history.


                            • #44
                              Forgot the say that Rosetta was called " the condemnation of the social democrat model" by some of the european Press since when it was filmed the social democrats reigned supreme in Europe - and still these scenes existed. It's not a political film though it is absolutely focused on everyday people and real life - as it is- , this is a "sidenote".


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Oerdin
                                Actually the typical part is that you can't even figure out when your being trolled.

                                Yeah, you reeled that one in and netted him.

                                (even though trolling comes from the other meaning of troll)
                                When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."

