For all those questioning, wondering, and groping their sexuality, I've decided to come up with a quick and easy test that will help you determine how gay you are by comparing you to the gayest thing on Apolyton.
Since I score a fabulous 10/10 on the homo-scale, I'll state a series of things that I do. The more of those things that you do, the higher on the gay scale you are. Anyone answering half or more is gay and can call me (email photo and sexual interests first).
1) I lipsync to disco classics in front of the mirror. At least once a day.
2) I know all the words to most Little Mermaid songs and a fair proportion of other Disney classics.
3) I spend hours searching music stores for discount ABBA CD's.
4) I know what a Diva is, I use the word correctly in context, and I buy their CD's without hesitation.
5) I got my blonde highlights dyed purple and pink. And I managed to make that match with my clothing.
6) I moisturise my skin.
7) I go to Gay Pride Parades. Wearing a t-shirt that says "Slut" on it. In front of TV cameras.
8) I gesture with my hands while my conversations are full of semi-obscure pop-culture references while stressing random bits. I'm so all Sarah Michelle Gellar in the way I speak.
9) I have sex with men. In hindsight, this one should be moved higher up on the list.
10) I can be given jeans, a hawaiian shirt, and a big wooly sweater and still look fabulous.
11) I use the word fabulous.
12) Did I mention that sleeping with men thing?
13) I do brunch. I drink expensive coffees just so people can see my drink them. I read political magazines like Advocate and Gay Times mainly to look at the pictures of half naked men.
14) I have, at various times, worn lipstick, eye liner, and body glitter.
15) I use sarcasm and *****iness to hide a delicate inner soul damaged by years of isolation and anxiety.
16) Speaking of *****iness, did you see what Sarah Jessica Parker wore the last time she was in public? Her clothing advisor so deserves *reaches for culture reference*
17) Speaking of hiding things, a developing drugs and alcohol problem is so easily solved by another martini.
18) The Conservative Party hates me. Says so in their Manifesto, right next to the bit where they promise to assault old ladies and drink the blood of newborns on moonlit eves.
19) I'm out of ideas but if you agree with the one below, you must be gay.
20) Are you sure I didn't mention I **** men?

Since I score a fabulous 10/10 on the homo-scale, I'll state a series of things that I do. The more of those things that you do, the higher on the gay scale you are. Anyone answering half or more is gay and can call me (email photo and sexual interests first).
1) I lipsync to disco classics in front of the mirror. At least once a day.
2) I know all the words to most Little Mermaid songs and a fair proportion of other Disney classics.
3) I spend hours searching music stores for discount ABBA CD's.
4) I know what a Diva is, I use the word correctly in context, and I buy their CD's without hesitation.
5) I got my blonde highlights dyed purple and pink. And I managed to make that match with my clothing.
6) I moisturise my skin.
7) I go to Gay Pride Parades. Wearing a t-shirt that says "Slut" on it. In front of TV cameras.
8) I gesture with my hands while my conversations are full of semi-obscure pop-culture references while stressing random bits. I'm so all Sarah Michelle Gellar in the way I speak.
9) I have sex with men. In hindsight, this one should be moved higher up on the list.
10) I can be given jeans, a hawaiian shirt, and a big wooly sweater and still look fabulous.
11) I use the word fabulous.
12) Did I mention that sleeping with men thing?
13) I do brunch. I drink expensive coffees just so people can see my drink them. I read political magazines like Advocate and Gay Times mainly to look at the pictures of half naked men.
14) I have, at various times, worn lipstick, eye liner, and body glitter.
15) I use sarcasm and *****iness to hide a delicate inner soul damaged by years of isolation and anxiety.
16) Speaking of *****iness, did you see what Sarah Jessica Parker wore the last time she was in public? Her clothing advisor so deserves *reaches for culture reference*
17) Speaking of hiding things, a developing drugs and alcohol problem is so easily solved by another martini.
18) The Conservative Party hates me. Says so in their Manifesto, right next to the bit where they promise to assault old ladies and drink the blood of newborns on moonlit eves.
19) I'm out of ideas but if you agree with the one below, you must be gay.
20) Are you sure I didn't mention I **** men?