Originally posted by mindseye
What scared me even more were the accounts of how the SOUTH Koreans went wild over the "Northern Beauties". According to the press report, South Koreans were utterly captivated by these amazing, bewitching women.
Makes me suspect that life in South Korea, despite its modernity, is a little on the slow side.
Not unlike China.
What scared me even more were the accounts of how the SOUTH Koreans went wild over the "Northern Beauties". According to the press report, South Koreans were utterly captivated by these amazing, bewitching women.
Makes me suspect that life in South Korea, despite its modernity, is a little on the slow side.
Not unlike China.
That leads to some pretty intense competition for marryable Korean women, and a lot of Korean parents are concerned that *gasp* their sons will have to marry a foreign girl, or not marry at all. Obviously, outside the traditional conservative "marry a nice (Korean) girl and make grandbabies" imperative, the dating pool presumably sucks too. (Gee, think that artificial reduction in the number of daughters was worth it? ). So a bunch of hot-blooded juicy young DPRK women would be real popular.