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The Eternal War

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  • #61
    Terrorism is just a word anyway, when a small group of paramilitaries do it against a 'legitamate government', it's terror, when an airforce does it against a 3rd world country, it's targeted bombing.
    Freedom Doesn't March.



    • #62

      All recent US-led wars, weren't they branded as "peacekeeping operations"?

      As for 1984's "telescreens", they pale in front of the Echelon, Carnivore, Total Information Awareness and everything else that lies in Admiral Poindexter's agenda.
      "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
      George Orwell


      • #63
        You silly silly gits.

        You go on and on about your government failing to gather intelligence to protect your security, but then you tell it to gather the intelligence using magic, since everybody's freedom and privacy must be protected.

        if we have nothing to hide, we have nothing to fear, right?

        You want your government to secure you from terrorism, yet you disallow it to remove terror-supporting governments or fight with people that wouldn't hesitate about killing you.

        i feel no more secure now than i did two years ago.

        I hope you won't be forced to the same conclusions, like we Israelis are. But you probably will be.

        doubtful, at least not stateside, not for a while. we don't have to deal with a very pissed off group of people within our borders.

        You consider your lives to be naturally secure, easy and free. Well it ain't. There are people out to kill you, cheat you and abuse you.
        And you can't get all the rights in the world without freaking limitations. And when things get tough, the limitations increase, to protect more basic rights - like the rights to life and property.

        duh, that goes without saying.

        I know that each time I walk into a mall, my life is possibly in direct danger. So I don't mind a security guard looking at my stuff. What is he going to find trhere already and who is he going to tell? I am not a killer, and I wouldn't store body parts in my bag anyways.
        And I already had my bags checked after I bought stuff at a sex shop, which could potentially be emberassing. But you know what? The guard doesn't care! He could smirk or wink at me, but he didn't bother. He has a life to live, instead of judging me.
        So yes, I waver my right to privacy, when I have to show my bag to the security guard. But I know I protect my right to life.

        that is not a sacrifice i am prepared to make. i have nothing to fear from death; therefore, i would rather live completely free and unhindered, rather than having to bow down to every inane rule that supposedly is supposed to protect me when it doesn't.


        • #64
          Originally posted by axi
          WAR IS PEACE

          All recent US-led wars, weren't they branded as "peacekeeping operations"?

          As for 1984's "telescreens", they pale in front of the Echelon, Carnivore, Total Information Awareness and everything else that lies in Admiral Poindexter's agenda.
          Freedom Doesn't March.


