Serb, thanks for the offer
. I don't think that's the step needed to take back in order to take two steps forward though.
Uh, but now I'm glad I don't live in a bureacracy country like few European countries, I just found out my application for housing never got there
that I sent only like a month ago, and I need to move in 2 weeks to the new city to start Uni. So in other words I'm in DEEP POOP! What the heck, I just got on my knees and sent e-mail with my knees on the ground begging for anything. I think that'll help, I can't afford to be full of pride right now and demand service.. kind of on short notice
. I blame the post office or the hippies working in their housing side though for losing my application. It would be nice to, you know have a place to sleep when in new city and all that

Uh, but now I'm glad I don't live in a bureacracy country like few European countries, I just found out my application for housing never got there
