Originally posted by Tuberski
I'm trained in Radar calibration and repair, electronics repair, Fire Control computer repair, 20mm Gatling gun repair, Microsoft Certified Professional, Beadblasting, Locksmith, plumbing, electrician, HVAC repair, Boiler and Chiller operation and repair,supply ordering, and working a cash register.
That being said, I work as a building technician in a hospital, making repairs on everything from hospital beds to plugged drains.
Damn, sounds like I'm typing a resume.

I'm trained in Radar calibration and repair, electronics repair, Fire Control computer repair, 20mm Gatling gun repair, Microsoft Certified Professional, Beadblasting, Locksmith, plumbing, electrician, HVAC repair, Boiler and Chiller operation and repair,supply ordering, and working a cash register.
That being said, I work as a building technician in a hospital, making repairs on everything from hospital beds to plugged drains.
Damn, sounds like I'm typing a resume.

Radar Callibration..Yeah...my opponenst keep knocking them out..so you would pretty much be full time!
Grandpa Troll