Originally posted by Sirotnikov
You know that is a very smart reply to a question that I haven't asked.
I did not ask whether the Arabs have good raeson to be anti-Israel.
This thread, isn't even about people being anti-Israeli.
It's about anti-semitism and how it is used and perpetuated by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Y'know, I think the Arabs have good reason to be anti-Israel.
You know that is a very smart reply to a question that I haven't asked.
I did not ask whether the Arabs have good raeson to be anti-Israel.
This thread, isn't even about people being anti-Israeli.
It's about anti-semitism and how it is used and perpetuated by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Presumably, it would also be the case if large numbers of non-Jews wanted to emigrate to Israel that there would be massive internal opposition to this because the non-Jews might eventually become a majority (this is one reason the right of return is opposed by Israel). Consider the hammering that the UK would get if it based it's immigration policy on considerations of race. Consider the hammering that Australia still gets over its "White Australia" policy even though that has long been discontinued. The only people that want to do so are the BNP and National Front, and you know what everyone thinks of them.
In short, Israel is a state that is at conflict with modernity which has, to its credit, largely decided that statehood based on race is an anachronistic and repugnant idea.
Now the Arabs have just as much reason to detest the United States, Britain and other powers which forced the seeds of the current arrangement on them in a peremptory fashion. So one would expect their hatred not to be directed at only the Jews. And in fact it isn't - and we, in the West, wonder why these people are prepared to fly aircraft into buildings.
I imagine that New Zealanders would feel incredibly angry and resentful if say, the US, decided that New Zealand was to become an Indonesian Muslim state and moved them all here and partitioned the country. So would any bunch of people.
However, there is no question of removing all the Jews from Israel. Whatever the history of their coming, it would be genocidal to forcibly remove them. But something must be done and Israel has to give up quite a bit - they hold all the cards and are largely in the wrong on this one.
And the fact that you seem to think that Imaams telling their followers that evil greedy jews are buying their lands, is a legitimate anti-Israeli criticism, just proves my point.
But, frankly, most of this would disappear if Israel did, which shows that Arab opposition is really to Israel and not to Jews per se. Or do you think that if Israel ceased to exist that Arabs would mercilessly bomb bagel shops in New York? Somehow I don't think they would.