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Smells Like Teen Spirit

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  • #61
    pump it up?

    Isn't that a Stones song?


    • #62
      That's "Start Me Up"; Microsoft used it to launch some Windows line.
      "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


      • #63
        Smells Like Teen Spirit sounds alright for about ten listens. It has no lasting appeal.

        Sure, Nirvana might have been influential, but influential does not equal great.

        As for Guns n Roses, Sweet Child is pretty ordinary as well. November rain is much better.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Boddington's
          Smells Like Teen Spirit sounds alright for about ten listens. It has no lasting appeal.
          which must be why I can still hear it on the radio even today - and I'm not talking about oldies stations. The hair bands of same period, however, are nowhere to be found.

          The Unplugged MTV live recording of Nirvana is IMHO one of the best live recordings of any rock band from any time period. I just listened to it last night and it is every bit as moving and powerful as the first time.

          Sure, Nirvana might have been influential, but influential does not equal great.
          Nope, they were that rare combination of great and influential. A landmark band with a visionary, albeit deeply troubled songwriter.


          • #65
            Yeah, and I can listen some songs from 1994 like Let Loose - Crazy For You and China Black - Searching but I am not going to say they have true lasting appeal because I only remember and like them because I heard them at critical points in my adolescence and attached them to memories.

