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Job interviews

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  • #46
    That's a good response rah. I usually ask when they need me to start... Gives them a sense that I am willing to work to their needs, plus I get a feel for how needy they are for me to take the job. Then, no matter what they say I follow up with 'oh, well, we will see."

    Interview? They still do those? I got people wanting me in Taiwan for $3100 a month on the basis of my picture and a lousy e-mail.

    You wage-slaves back in North America should really explore international employment.

    You have to work NOT to get hired here.
    I ain't moving to Taiwan for a lousy $3100/mo! Even the the cost of living might be cheaper.


    • #47
      Tell them you built a new wing on your house and just plain took it easy, but at the same time restored some antique furniture you picked up in a small antique shop, you invented a new cullinary dish to satisfy even the most picky eater and you perfected the art of tantra. Now that you have accomplished all your spiritual journeys you would like to buckle down and make their company a ****ing success!!!
      The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!


      • #48
        Originally posted by Blackwidow24
        you invented a new cullinary dish to satisfy even the most picky eater
        I might get away with the other suggestions, but you know I'm English, right?
        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


        • #49
          Originally posted by LTEC!
          Tell them you were self-employed in a related field. No need to prove what you were doing with your time.
          That is a bad idea. I had a pretty standard background check run by the employer. (they outsource it, there are firms that specialize in this.) They asked me for a customer to talk to. However, if you do sporadic consulting assignemnts during a longer out of work period, I think you can get away with calling the overal time consulting. Espcieally verbally. If someone asks for a month to month accounting, you should of course be honest. But I bet you are obsessing more about that, than they are and are putting yourself into that box.


          • #50
            BC, you got some good responses on the time question. I would try turning the question a bit around and ask them when they will have a written offer to you. Also ask them when they need you to report and how much decision time they usually give with the offer. (And use this to draw them into a discussion of the biz needs, did they just get a new contract, lose an employee unexpectedly, etc.? This will sorta make them realize if they are just being pushy or will let you know more about the biz needs.) At that point, use your judgement. If they say speed is critical for bizx reasons and that they will have an offer to you in a day or two and need a reply in a week, go ahead and say that you can make a decision based on that. If they seem less really concerned, just tell them what time you think you'll need. The important thing is not to blow getting the offer by being indecisive. I was in your shoes exactly and they were justifiably concerned that I might want to take a few more months gofing off. And the psyhchology is that they hate make offers that get rejected. I played it like that. Got back to them after a week. (and they didn't turn the letter around in a day like they said they would, took them that gave me extra time). Interviewd actively and was able to use the one offer to get more attention and speed up the one that I wanted more. Than I was able to go back to Firm A and tell them honestly that I had just gotten a competing offer, that I needed a week for that to ask all the questions that I had asked Firm A (for valid comparision). They gave it to me. I still turned down Firm A after the second week, but having two at one time was very useful in negotiating up the Firm B offer.


            • #51


              • #52
                your momma
                We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                • #53
                  Job interviews are not too difficult. You just gotta be a player like me and Striker.

                  You have no problem do you Derek?


                  • #54
                    edited out
                    Last edited by Sirotnikov; June 14, 2003, 18:47.


                    • #55
                      Those questions are quite rough Siro...
                      Speaking of Erith:

                      "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                      • #56
                        are you serious or is this cynisism i can't spot?

                        yeah, a weaker soul might have burst into tears

                        I was as tense as a cat stuck in a microwave

                        But I did have alot of good answers (like the last one ) and I do know alot about the issue, and I do read alot of books, newspapers, articles etc.


                        • #57
                          They might seem rough to you PH, but if he is wanting to be in IDF< he needs to know a lot of the background. Remember he has lived there.


                          • #58
                            It is serious cynicism there Siro Interviews are hostile and unpleasant...I don't see how anyone can find them productive - I've just found them a lesson in futility...

                            I am not so much referring to the questions that require a bit of knowledge but the other ones...
                            Speaking of Erith:

                            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                            • #59
                              So did the Crunchy Dolphin lie shamelessly and get the job?
                              Try for discussion and debate.


                              • #60
                                Yeah, they seem to more require a quickness of thought and good preparation, rather than an ability to do the job at hand.

