Originally posted by Colon
Read my previous post. I think the basic idea is to create a safe haven in the area, which could be very valuable to refugees and also in order to ship humanitarian aid into the region.
Read my previous post. I think the basic idea is to create a safe haven in the area, which could be very valuable to refugees and also in order to ship humanitarian aid into the region.
1,400 sounds like a decent number, until you factor in support troops (clerks, maintenance, mess hall, medical, signals, etc.) which don't give you nearly the combat posture as line troops will, and the fact that you can't pull 50% or 100% night alerts all the time.
Three airmobile brigades, OTOH, could rapidly take the war to the militias and rebels all over the country, and break their asses pretty quick, although it would be a while before you could train competent national forces to maintain stability. A long while. Another problem is that the resource richer areas of Congo (Katanga especially) have always been a bit secessionist, so "national" troops wouldn't be particularly welcome.