Originally posted by HershOstropoler
"As far as paying a price for it goes, give it time."
Maybe, but it seems to me that the media have degenerated to a point where they wouldn't cover Watergate, because doing so would be unpatriotic. The dems are so incredibly lame-assed, you should sell them as a sedative.
"As far as paying a price for it goes, give it time."
Maybe, but it seems to me that the media have degenerated to a point where they wouldn't cover Watergate, because doing so would be unpatriotic. The dems are so incredibly lame-assed, you should sell them as a sedative.
"if Iraq is still a FUBAR, we get reports of our people getting ambushed in Afghanistan, al Qaeda is still blowing **** up, with the occasional audio from OBL or AAZ, the economy is still dragging..."
That's all pretty certain. The question is, can Karl still spin this as "America at war, with the greatest copilot aller Zeiten in charge"?
That's all pretty certain. The question is, can Karl still spin this as "America at war, with the greatest copilot aller Zeiten in charge"?
"most of the rest of the world is too dependent on the US economy, and too ineffective in organized opposition (Chirac?
) for the US to care."
We don't depend on the US economy, while the US economy depends on capital import. So that's not the problem. The problem is, when will our chicken**** idiot politicians run out of patience and finally tell Bush to **** off? My tip is in the first half of his second term, should he get one.

We don't depend on the US economy, while the US economy depends on capital import. So that's not the problem. The problem is, when will our chicken**** idiot politicians run out of patience and finally tell Bush to **** off? My tip is in the first half of his second term, should he get one.
I think your (Euro) leaders will need genetic engineering to get some balls. The whole (at least the way its spun in the US) "trying to repair relationships with the US" bit is nauseating. If someone is going to take a stand, they should take a stand.
"Under the present situation, the only real problem (from the Macchiavellian imperialist perspective) is that some other countries are impotently uncomfortable."
There are many ways to counter US "imperialism". The US is far from a hegemonial position.
There are many ways to counter US "imperialism". The US is far from a hegemonial position.
Now with 200k troops tied down in Iraq, how would for example a war against Iran work? Iran is at least 5 times stronger than Iraq on defense spending, a good deal more considering it didn't suffer from sanctions. Should the "hegemon" occupy Iran, what would be left of the hegemon's might in other corners of the world? Probably not even enough to overrun the usual third world country.
And Macchiavelli would laugh his ass off at the dilettants in the White House.
