If someone asks you favours, do you keep doing them without anyone ever returning them back? Man, I'm so tired of helping out other people even when they are my buddies or relatives.
Basically they all make good money on their jobs, and yet they call me everytime when they need some tech support. They think I enjoy 30 minute drives with expensive gas and no income to come and fix their crap.
Just today I was in one of my relatives work to help fix their network which they once again managed to crash.I told that I'm tired and I won't come. Well, apparentely they were in a middle of very important work due to tomorrow, and they can't close some deal if they don't get it working because all their work is now stuck. Their PAID tech support was in vacation, and it would have been super expensive to hire outside help there, because the firm is located nowhere near civilization, and problems being big. No worries! I'll be there, just let me put my clothes on I don't care what time it is, I'll come there right away! Don't worry!
I thought I'd have to help them out, because I was their only hope and they are a business, tomorrow important thing and I can't complain, I'd be buttface if I didn't help. So I drive over there, nothing working. Well I work with the computers all day in HOT offices with no AC or windows. Sweating like a pig I crawl under the tables only to get some fat boss breathing in my neck, who by the way is not MY boss and who I'm helping because I decided to help out of my own time. 'Is it working yet?' 'If you brake something, you have to pay' 'when is this going to work?' 'do you even know what you're doing?' Yeah? F U TOO!
So after just 5 hours everything is working perfecto, and I even configured there personal e-mail settings to every computer because their tech support was too lazy, and may I add I installed those CD-Rs to 4 computers which tech support was too lazy to do also.
So I'm busting my butt off there for them, because they needed my help. I wasn't there for money, but god damn I was expecting that they would compensate with at least little token for my time and effort. What did I get? NOTHING! Not even cup of coffee. These jerks where drinking coffee and eating snacks while I was working and they didn't even bother to ask me if I wanted any. Thanks for nothing! Sure, it would have been hella expensive to make some tech guy come there urgently and work for whole day in emergency. I wasn't expecting to get $400 out of it. But maybe $10 for dinner at least. Shhiiieet.. if I go crazy one day, I know one place I'll burn down.
Basically they all make good money on their jobs, and yet they call me everytime when they need some tech support. They think I enjoy 30 minute drives with expensive gas and no income to come and fix their crap.
Just today I was in one of my relatives work to help fix their network which they once again managed to crash.I told that I'm tired and I won't come. Well, apparentely they were in a middle of very important work due to tomorrow, and they can't close some deal if they don't get it working because all their work is now stuck. Their PAID tech support was in vacation, and it would have been super expensive to hire outside help there, because the firm is located nowhere near civilization, and problems being big. No worries! I'll be there, just let me put my clothes on I don't care what time it is, I'll come there right away! Don't worry!
I thought I'd have to help them out, because I was their only hope and they are a business, tomorrow important thing and I can't complain, I'd be buttface if I didn't help. So I drive over there, nothing working. Well I work with the computers all day in HOT offices with no AC or windows. Sweating like a pig I crawl under the tables only to get some fat boss breathing in my neck, who by the way is not MY boss and who I'm helping because I decided to help out of my own time. 'Is it working yet?' 'If you brake something, you have to pay' 'when is this going to work?' 'do you even know what you're doing?' Yeah? F U TOO!
So after just 5 hours everything is working perfecto, and I even configured there personal e-mail settings to every computer because their tech support was too lazy, and may I add I installed those CD-Rs to 4 computers which tech support was too lazy to do also.
So I'm busting my butt off there for them, because they needed my help. I wasn't there for money, but god damn I was expecting that they would compensate with at least little token for my time and effort. What did I get? NOTHING! Not even cup of coffee. These jerks where drinking coffee and eating snacks while I was working and they didn't even bother to ask me if I wanted any. Thanks for nothing! Sure, it would have been hella expensive to make some tech guy come there urgently and work for whole day in emergency. I wasn't expecting to get $400 out of it. But maybe $10 for dinner at least. Shhiiieet.. if I go crazy one day, I know one place I'll burn down.
