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Matrix Reloaded

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  • Pretty sure... if you see scenes from the next movie you see Morpheus in one of those walker things, probably helping to defend Zion. The "only survivor" was of the battle. The guy Agent Smith infected was on one of the ships which was trying to ambush the machines, but he fired first, and the entire armada was destroyed. I'm 99% sure of that.


    • And at least Zee must have survived. She'll surely get a bigger part in Revolutions.

      Has anyone here played, or even bought "Enter the Matrix", by the way?
      Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


      • Who's Zee? I don't remember her. Also, did you notice that Tank was in the preview for Revolutions, the guy that killed Cypher and got Neo and Trinity out of the Matrix?


        • I'm pretty sure Tank was killed. Or do you mean Tank's little brother?

          And Jesus Christ, man, why o why is your named spelled that way?
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          "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


          • Maybe they are rushing towards each other so they can give each other a big hug??



            • Zee is the wife of Link. She only appeared in one scene so far, but it's the role Aaliyah was supposed to have.

              Tank wasn't really killed. Dozer (Tank's big brother) was killed. But they decided Tank died of his wounds after all, because Marcus Chong (the actor who played Tank) got greedy and wanted the same pay as Keanu, Laurence and Carrie-Anne...

              So I seriously doubt you saw Tank in the preview. Probably some guy who looked like him.
              Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


              • Originally posted by Mercator
                Tank wasn't really killed. Dozer (Tank's big brother) was killed. But they decided Tank died of his wounds after all, because Marcus Chong (the actor who played Tank) got greedy and wanted the same pay as Keanu, Laurence and Carrie-Anne...
                So that's the reason he got axed! I had been wondering why that happened.
                I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                • enter the matrix, as a game, sucked. i had more fun reading the walkthrough faq to find out the story than trying to slug through one half of the game.


                  • Originally posted by Lorizael
                    And Jesus Christ, man, why o why is your named spelled that way?
                    You must have me confused with a certain psychohistory expert. Common mistake.

                    I would swear I saw Tank in it. I'm going to have to go see it again to make sure. It's only for a split second. I was looking up some of the actors from the Matrix at imdb and that guy that played Tank has only been in maybe two roles that he actually had a real name and not "Bar Stand in #81." What an ass if he tried to get paid what the bigger stars were making. He should've used it as a platform for other things. People baffle me.


                    • Yep, they're right. He abandoned ship and "died" in the process, so I'm pretty sure he won't be back in Revolutions. In Reloaded they also mentioned something about how Tank had tried to get him (Link) the spot on Morpheus' ship "before he left," and then Zee has an emotional moment.


                      • She mentioned that she lost two brothers to that ship, too, which sounds like he's dead. I didn't know if he was going to come wandering back into Zion in some Gandolf like attire talking about communing with the Machines...


                        • that's a shame about tank.

                          "Tank, get me out of here" could become one of those cliche golden frases. it was on it's way.


                          • Ok, here's a killer trailer I found. It's not the same one that's shown at the end of Reloaded but it's legit.

                            Now, about two-thirds of the way through the trailer they show a guy in a Mech that I would swear is Tank. Am I just crazy?!?


                            • It looks like an Asian guy to me, when I pause it.


                              • Damn; you're right. It's that guy that met the Nebekanezer when it docked at Zion. The one there to keep the peace.

