Originally posted by Frozzy
Selective reading?
Selective reading?
The HoF, as it stands, is just an Off Topic popularity contest. Any involvement of an On Topicer is seen as intrusion. But games are the main topic of this site, and power to the gamers, meaning On Topicers! Like it or not, but Civ3 is one of the most recent games and naturally will attract more people than the classic games. To compensate this fact, the votes of the oldtimers have a much greater weight. But if Trip wins even with this handicap, he has every right to enter the Hall of Fame and you should acknowledge this fact, if democracy has any meaning for you.
By the way, I found your "newbie" attitude towards Master Zen amusing at the very least. The fact, that you are here twice as long as he, doesn't make you a veteran, just like the fact, that I'm here about twice as long as you doesn't make me a veteran either.
Oh, and Solver, when you shoot yourself, don't shoot in your head. This ruins the wallpaper. Not a nice view, I assure you.
