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Wonderful Reality

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  • #61

    Party again!!!

    Martin, you are a genius!. The FinishImprovements fuction is working perfecly. It just cant come together with the CreateImprovements fuctions.
    Now one of the earliest bug that was with me since the beginning of the coding has come to a end.

    I only need to get the new capture options to work with it. After that case closed.


    more Party!!!
    I dont know what have i changed but the code is totally fuctional now. The new capture options is compatible and the CreateUnit does work (I think i was too much of unexperienced slicer when i test it)

    And since party is never too much and i am so happy that every single apect of the code i disliked is now working properly

    Let's Celebrate!!!

    Here is the updated version of the code.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Pedrunn; August 19, 2002, 23:40.
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #62
      Originally posted by Pedrunn
      Martin, you are a genius!. The FinishImprovements fuction is working perfecly. It just cant come together with the CreateImprovements fuctions.
      Now one of the earliest bug that was with me since the beginning of the coding has come to a end.
      Yeah from the slic documentaion:

      To generate an event from SLIC:


      Example (also see above):

      Event:KillUnit(unit, 0, -1);

      Generates a KillUnit event for the specified unit. Note that events always execute ASYNCHRONOUSLY. The event is added to a queue, and is executed only after all events added before it have finished executing. So in the above example, the units do not actually die until after the handler has finished executing.
      So this means for your original cose, Pedrunn, that the FinishImprovement function was used on a location[0] without tile imps only afterwards the tile imp is placed it will finish the tile imp.

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • #63
        I hate that smilie.
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #64

          IW i am waiting your pictures for the apolyton tile file. I have already the read me. the only thing not ready yet is to teach how to use both of our codes together. For that i want to see your newer version of the wonder code.
          I wanted you to really consider use the TileHasWonder function. it will make the combo setting up much easier.
          Last edited by Pedrunn; August 20, 2002, 14:05.
          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
          Kill all and you are a God!"
          -Jean Rostand


          • #65
            one left

            Urgh, this is getting annoyingly complicated

            There are 3 situations:

            1/ Wonders only
            2/ Both Codes
            3/ City X only

            1/ I've done it. It needs a bit of polishing, but its in the DB, and I'm happy with it, until the Tile File is done

            2/ You've done it. The last code you posted (without the wonder creation code in it, please) is fine for this. Use the TileHasWonder with the 10 tile improvements I use in the wonder code - the default game. Then the pair of mods work in conjunction, over the default game.

            3/ IMO, you need to make a different SLIC file - perhaps even make them different ModSwapper options, CityX with Wonders, and CityX without wonders - and make it so that the wonders are not even mentioned.

            I don't *think* there is any conflict between the two codes, working over the default game. When the default version is complete, bug-free, and published; then make Wes, Dave, Martin, and Dale(?) aware of this, so that versions can be made for the 'big' mods.

            I wanted you to really consider use the TileHasWonder function. it will make the combo setting up much easier.
            No it won't, because it'll be using one function in two files, so if you change your mind, and only use one, it won't work. Trust me - its more hassle in the end. The easier way would be to use two TileHasWonder functions, (named differently of course...) in two different files.
            Setting up mods on a thousand PCs ('Poly pack download count) is a house of cards. If too much relies on too much else, the whole thing screws up. Not everybody comes online every day to get the latest release
            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


            • #66
              IW & Pedrunn:

              Congrats guys. Well done!

              1- How stable/bug-free is the wonder code? (IE: Will there be any major patches to the code needed)
              2- How stable/bug-free is the city expansion code? (IE: Will there be any major patches to the code needed)
              3- IW: Any plans to incorporate the other wonders we've been PMing about?
              4- Let's just say I wanted to capture every third pop-growth point in a city via SLIC and use that pop-point for something else, what affect would your two codes have on this plan, and vice-versa?
              5- What files need modifying, or is it all in the readmes?
              6- If I add another settler-type unit, say "Colonist", do I need to change anything in the two codes? (I'm assuming you've used functions like AddPop, RemovePop etc)

              I suppose that's enough at this point.


              • #67
                All asnwers goes to my city expansion and wonder expansion.

                Originally posted by Dale
                1- How stable/bug-free is the wonder code? (IE: Will there be any major patches to the code needed)
                2- How stable/bug-free is the city expansion code? (IE: Will there be any major patches to the code needed)
                For both of my codes i never got crashes with it. Even in the ealy version. And i test it really hard. with dozens of wonders built by one single city (for the wonder code) even the Great Wall placed over other wonders problem is fixed (its place is saved until it is not built). And city size up to 120 (maximum) at all ages having the placements placed with amazing precision. All bugs fixed here were caused wrong use of variables but i cant find any of them anymore so i dont think patch will be needed. In-game the code was a sucess. I already played 200 turs with dozens of other people slics (I am using at my unfinished mod). And not a problem at all. I am going to start a whole game testing tomorrow. If any problem appears i tell you.
                The only problem that you may think is cities with the same owner squeezed together (this means a not perfect radius). This may cause placements of one city in the other one

                Originally posted by Dale
                4- Let's just say I wanted to capture every third pop-growth point in a city via SLIC and use that pop-point for something else, what affect would your two codes have on this plan, and vice-versa?
                As for the wonders it wont affect nothing. but for the cities depends on what you mean by that. The city expasion is triggered by the MakePop event. When it happens the city checks the size of the city if it is a multiple of three it makes the city grow.
                But i also use the KillPop event. When this event is triggered it check the size of the city if it is a multiple of three minus 1 it replaces a city improvements by a dead city one. KillCity, CreatePark are coverd killing all tiles around the city depending on its size. BuildUnit (settlers, Urban Planners and Sea engineers), PlagueCity, Slave RaidCity, UndergroundRailWay is also covered and creates a dead city. And nuke city also kill cities
                Originally posted by Dale
                5- What files need modifying, or is it all in the readmes?
                tileimp.txt only. I plan to add some messages but so far only the tileimp.txt (of course the til file too).

                6- If I add another settler-type unit, say "Colonist", do I need to change anything in the two codes? (I'm assuming you've used functions like AddPop, RemovePop etc)

                I suppose that's enough at this point.
                Probably not. I added the BuildUnit event but i dont know if the reducing of the city is caused by this event (it seemed to be bugged before) or the KillPop one. But the if there is the need of an addition it willl be one line only.

                Those function arent in the code. RemovePop is only to prevent the cities to grow if there is no place to expand.

                Here is the draft of the read me for the cityX
                Attached Files
                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                Kill all and you are a God!"
                -Jean Rostand


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Pedrunn
                  For both of my codes i never got crashes with it. Even in the ealy version. And i test it really hard. with dozens of wonders built by one single city (for the wonder code) even the Great Wall placed over other wonders problem is fixed (its place is saved until it is not built). And city size up to 120 (maximum) at all ages having the placements placed with amazing precision. All bugs fixed here were caused wrong use of variables but i cant find any of them anymore so i dont think patch will be needed. In-game the code was a sucess. I already played 200 turs with dozens of other people slics (I am using at my unfinished mod). And not a problem at all. I am going to start a whole game testing tomorrow. If any problem appears i tell you.
                  The only problem that you may think is cities with the same owner squeezed together (this means a not perfect radius). This may cause placements of one city in the other one
                  Excellent. The same owner thing won't bother me if it occurs, as long as it's in my borders.

                  As for the wonders it wont affect nothing. but for the cities depends on what you mean by that. The city expasion is triggered by the MakePop event. When it happens the city checks the size of the city if it is a multiple of three it makes the city grow.
                  But i also use the KillPop event. When this event is triggered it check the size of the city if it is a multiple of three minus 1 it replaces a city improvements by a dead city one. KillCity, CreatePark are coverd killing all tiles around the city depending on its size. BuildUnit (settlers, Urban Planners and Sea engineers), PlagueCity, Slave RaidCity, UndergroundRailWay is also covered and creates a dead city. And nuke city also kill cities
                  Well, basically if I kept an eye on MakePop, and grabbed every third population point (STOP the call), I should be able to do this before your script and not affect anything of cityX. You agree with that?

                  Probably not. I added the BuildUnit event but i dont know if the reducing of the city is caused by this event (it seemed to be bugged before) or the KillPop one. But the if there is the need of an addition it willl be one line only.
                  Excellent. *note to self* I could always just use the existing Settler and change its name.

                  Here is the draft of the read me for the cityX
                  Thanks. Will check it out.


                  • #69
                    Read the readme. Too easy.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Dale
                      1- How stable/bug-free is the wonder code? (IE: Will there be any major patches to the code needed)
                      It needs one update, but I'm waiting until the tile file is public, so the update needs only to be text and code - next week.
                      3- IW: Any plans to incorporate the other wonders we've been PMing about?
                      Yes, they'll be in the Tile File, and I'll finish the code soon.
                      4- Let's just say I wanted to capture every third pop-growth point in a city via SLIC and use that pop-point for something else, what affect would your two codes have on this plan, and vice-versa?
                      No effect on the wonder code.
                      5- What files need modifying, or is it all in the readmes?
                      Its in the readme, but for the Apolyton Pack, I think it is just APOL_tileimp.txt
                      6- If I add another settler-type unit, say "Colonist", do I need to change anything in the two codes? (I'm assuming you've used functions like AddPop, RemovePop etc)
                      Nothing to change in the wonder code.
                      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Immortal Wombat

                        It needs one update, but I'm waiting until the tile file is public, so the update needs only to be text and code - next week.
                        Awesome. I shouldn't need it till then anyways.

                        Yes, they'll be in the Tile File, and I'll finish the code soon.
                        Let me know when it's ready! I have a need for it.

                        Its in the readme, but for the Apolyton Pack, I think it is just APOL_tileimp.txt
                        Cool, so I only need to add the strings, tileimp.txt, add the TileFile and slic. That's too easy.


                        • #72
                          yup. hopefully the tile file will be a separate download, to save space in every mod where it will be duplicated.

                          I've emailed the 7 pics off to Pedrunn. I used the Urgup cones, and a waterfall in the end for the sixth and seventh. It was easier than trying to sink a crater, raise a mountain, or pick out one tile in a jungle.

                          Let me know when it's ready! I have a need for it
                          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                          • #73
                            Nothing to worry about mate. Just let me know when it's ready okay?


                            • #74
                              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                              • #75
                                IW, I have just seen the pics you sent me I will find now a number to them in the til file.

                                I have just started the a new game with the cityX. The CreateUnit event didnt work out and the killPop wasnt triggered with this event . That really made me sad but I did some more testing with it and I found out that the CreateUnit does work. The problem is that there isnt a unit variable. if you take a good look in the database you will find that the unit_t variable is just to save the unit when it is used as a function
                                CreateUnit(int_t, location_t, city_t, int_t, int_t [, unit_t])
                                so i edited the code. And used the GetUnitsAtLocation function to check if there is a settler unit at the location_t variable where a unit was located. On target!!! the event worked . This may lead to a small bug wich is reduce the a city improvement if a unit is created in a city and this city has a settler. But better than nothing. Yet I must think if the benefits are better than the bad part.
                                Note: A CreateUnit event without a unit variable? what were the CTP2 programmers thinking
                                Last edited by Pedrunn; August 21, 2002, 21:26.
                                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                                Kill all and you are a God!"
                                -Jean Rostand

