It's now the Apolyton Tile File, listed separately in the directory.
No announcement yet.
Wonderful Reality
Im having probs mate. every time I downlode and Ive done it about five times I get the hole file but for the gtset565.til. it doesnt seem to be there. what can I do. could you attach the file here?
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Excellent DaveSo Cradle will get another meg bigger
I'm glad the Visi Wonders are in
Originally posted by hexagonian
This will be my final update (barring unforseen problems with Visible Wonders).Last major update at least. I remember the email I got in May 2001...
"The Cradle is done - at least I hope I will not have to do anymore to it..." - hexagonian
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There is a function to make both compatible without beg changes in the code:
It is explained in the read me.
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No, that should work fine - with some adaptations (altough I admit I didn't read that part of the readme too carefully)
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Can Cradle have both Visible Wonders and City Expansion? If so, how? Wouldn't the one conflict with the other?
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Pedrunn seem to think so. But I'm going to do a test run in two hours to make sure for myself...
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Will Cradle have City Expansion, Dave? It would very much like it to and I don't think I'm the only one...
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The wonder code is IW's work, I did the City Expansion.
Any question/request fot the city expansion you should post in the city expansion thread or send me a PM.
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Visible Wonders is set up for Cradle (it works fine on a playtest). I'm leaving the door open until next Friday (09/13/02) for any additions/changes and then I will post it as part of Cradle 1.33.
This will be my final update (barring unforseen problems with Visible Wonders).
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Originally posted by Locutus
The news is not a PR-tool for modmakers, but an informational tool for the entire community. But I'll see what I can do...At least some more seperate news items would be good instead of these summery ones. At least less of them.
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Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
Locutus, after all the mess, would another news item be okay? Just to let everyone know that the version on release is final...
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Thanks for that.
Great.....just need to find that harddrive with all my CTP2 stuff on!
I like the look of the new download section, what with the little graphic and the rateing system-very nice!
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