Thanks for the positive feedback.
As for the AI defending strategy, the link that Centrifuge provided leads to the discussion of a script I'm developing that will replace frenzy.slc. I plan to address frenzy's weakness in defense, plus not lose any of the benefit of frenzy's attack. At the moment I'm still developing the naval tactics, but will get stuck into the land tactics after that. Please keep an eye on the link Centrifuge provided for updates on the project.
Great to hear you're having loads of fun.
The sprites that you mention (without animations) are all from Harlen's World War sprites pack. Unfortunately I have no graphic ability whatsoever (that's Dave's forte
) so I can't make animations. However, if you wish to make animations, I'll gladly put them into the next update. As for the Stormtrooper/Infantry Regt/Red Army being the same sprite, that's because it is. I suppose I could be nice and use the three different ones from CTP2-vanilla and CTP2-WW2 scenario. 
Has anyone downloaded the Intro Movie yet? What do you think of it?
Thanks for the positive feedback.

Great to hear you're having loads of fun.

Has anyone downloaded the Intro Movie yet? What do you think of it?