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Activision Documentation

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  • #2
    There certainly are alot of 'apparently' unused functions to play with. (grin)
    Kudos n Thanks to whomever delivered these into Apolyton's / Mark's hands


    • #3


      Quick questions:

      1. In the diplomacy files, what is the format for the following functions:
      Also, what priority should I set, if I want the AI to make this proposal GUARANTEED?

      2. I cannot make the event
      MovePathOrder(army_t, location_t)
      work. What gives?

      3. How can I access a 'path' variable? What is its structure? e.g. I want to move a unit along a particular charted path (charted by the AI).

      4. BTW, all variables are global? No local variables at all?


      • #4
        umm reading the files I asked myself what to set for an auto acceptance by the AI. I think that 120 should do it... I mean really has the AI ever NOT accepted the gift of an advance (no strings attached)? NOt from me anyway and 120 is the setting for accept advance.
        Later BP


        • #5
          Damn you Markos! Why did you have to post this right before I'm going on vacation? Now I know that they're online but I can't do anything with them for a whole week! Couldn't you have waited a few hours until I had actually left, at least I wouldn't have known what I was missing?

          Oh well, at least I'll have something to read
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            function LocutusForget()
               for i = 0 to count(alldocumentation)
            end function


            • #7
              I figured you'd be way jazzed about this!

              The thing I don't understand though, is all the SLIC referring to things that weren't even implemented in CTP1. Stuff like leader assassinations. Throwing parties. Rustling. Nullifying walls. Can anyone at Activision let us know what works and what doesn't?

              And if some of this works, does that mean some of the wonder, building and/or unit flags from CTP1 might work also?


              • #8
                This is great, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

                And I do appreciate it BUT......

                Once again we are left to figure out what is working and what isn't as well as what is correct and what isn't.

                For example, the 24 terrain types are CtP1 terrain types, this doesn't do much good for CtP2. (Or was the SLIC not updated to handle the new terrain types, as well as the extra two, 25 & 26)?

                Am I being Nit-Picky? Yes
                Should I be grateful for what we got? Yes, I am.
                Will the Apolyton CtP2'ers eventually figure it all out? Yes
                Is it reasonable to think old or obsolete information should be left out of the game and documentation? YES!!!
                CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                • #9
                  Say thanks to the people at Activision for me. And wish them a very, merry Christmas.

                  I'm very glad to see that they are moving forward on some of the post-release things that needed to be done. I just hope they keep at this long enough to turn this into a really good game.

                  And yes, some documentation on what "doesn't work" would be very nice. I can understand how taking this stuff out of game files would be a lower priority than making the game work. And since they are just starting to patch to get the Multi-player working, and still haven't got PBEM working, I guess they shouldn't be doing this low priority stuff yet.

                  But it would be nice to have a list of things that I shouldn't pay any attention to in the files. I got all excited when I saw the "CounterBombard" properties that I could put on units.
                  Fear not the path of truth for the lack of others walking it.


                  • #10

                    It's possible that the "assassinate leader" trigger refers to the "hit" that the eco-terrorist performs. Even though it may not necessarily be the leader who has been whacked, I assume it's someone important enough to cause powerful unhappiness.

                    (In my CtP1 games I increase the happiness deduction for successful hits from -5 to -10 for a period of 2 turns: generally not enough to cause riots (unless the civ is already pretty damn miserable) but enough to throw them into a bit of shock. I just like assassinations.)


                    • #11
                      Table one is inaccurate, or else they have a personality type mis-named in the game.
                      Militarist have a Discovery type of Military, not scientist.
                      The personality type Scientist should be listed in the table, unless they are the "default" personality.


                      • #12

                        The parameters defined in the strategies.txt file are used to control almost every aspect of how an AI controls their empire and tasks their units. The details of what each parameter does has been described elsewhere; the purpose of this section is to explain how to change these parameters to customize the game


                        Have I missed something? Anybody know what "elsewhere" refers to? Or could it be something still in the pipeline?


                        • #13

                          Seems like Mark is to put up the additional documentation about the database files.

                          However, the documentation for diplomacy and strategies (the functions, such as 'ConsiderDiplomaticState' I mean) is inadequate. I spent lots of time yestreday getting the diplomacy state changes to work, but kept getting SLIC compiler errors. Reason being that I was guessing what parameters the diplomacy functions use.


                          • #14
                            i've got more documentation on the game files coming up
                            it's a lot of html editing, some will be posted today

