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Swissy2 - Part VI

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  • USA aint doin to bad eitherYou know, if they keep winning I might actually watch there games one of these days.


    • Yeah, they're doing alright for a side that i reckon Australia could beat Considering that U.S.A. gets an easy ride in to meet FIFA's agenda to conquer the US market and Australia has to usually beat European and South American heavyweights to make the World Cup in a do-or-die home and away series, it's quite plausible.

      So, what gives? Are the yanks learning how to feign mortal injury and arse-pump after scoring goals or what?!


      • Turn to Faded.

        So, why the new e-mail address? Been giving your old one to porn sites again, FG?


        • No, but i think someone else here did. Example,

          "Dear Fadedgloryisafag check out these pics of me. Im 18!"

          So lung, are you fessing up to the systematic destruction of my old email? Signing me up for special offers and barnyard sex?


          • Turn to rick

            complaint noted! Tanks moved

            Now, send turns to bird. Till I get back.


            • Originally posted by faded glory
              No, but i think someone else here did. Example,

              "Dear Fadedgloryisafag check out these pics of me. Im 18!"

              So lung, are you fessing up to the systematic destruction of my old email? Signing me up for special offers and barnyard sex?
              I hope they're talkin' cowgirls!

              Perhaps they simply read too much into your email - "itcamefrombelow"


              • Turn 278--> Mobius

                Egypt looks forward to welcoming our old friend General Bird!


                • General Bird at duty Sir.

                  Reinforcements have been directed to one of our west-northwestern cities as a small contigent of foreing marines are spottet on an excercies in that area.

                  As we might be able to learn something about their battletactics, a highranked person from our security forces has also been attached to the local military govenor.
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • Turn 279--> Mobius


                    • We trust that General Birdman will keep things in good order until the return of Saddam...

                      We wouldn't want any unfortunate accidents, now would we?

                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • Im back! Did you miss me? Oh I wouldnt want that.

                        Big Thanks to general Bird for his work here and AW! When you get home today there will be another story on your house!


                        • Turn 280--> Mobiusolini

                          A poignant sight...a Welsh Diplomat having a conversation with a Roman soldier on a plot of scorched earth.

                          Even after all these wars, they have not lost sight of the fact that they are but two human beings on this great Spaceship Earth.

                          Perhaps he conveys a message from Saddam to recount a story for Mobius about his trip.

                          Thus two souls touch each other.

                          Or maybe they are just trying to kill each other!


                          • Time to move forward into the bright future with Corporate Republic!

                            I think the diplomat was there because Wales was about to consider returning all the old Egyptian cities under Welsh control back to Egypt - yes, that was it!

                            Rome applauds Saddam's new detente!
                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • hah! Mobius they dont make em much more rotten than you! Launching 3 spy attacks on welsh cities and then having the nerve to probably deny it! I should of seen this coming! I knew I had a scoundril on my borders

                              Your not being a very good nieghbor, you know just because your science bites the big one....ehem..... forget it.

                              Oh look another arms build up on the Roman-welsh border! Even if it is a bit disorganized.

                              Sure, Im angry. Ya Im pissed!? But wtf am I going to do about????? Nothing, yet. Just watch 3:00...Im up there.

                              Stay out!

                              Or ill have lung *****slap you.


                              • Turn 281--> Mobiusolini

                                Troop buildups by both Rome and Wales have forced Egypt to put some of her own defensive units at our border near Athribis.

                                But they are really only symbolic, as their scant numbers would hardly stop any nation intent on rolling over them.

                                So we hope that tensions between Wales and Rome will subside!

