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Swissy2 - Part VI

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  • a mine and a farm?

    Sounds fun...

    "Perhaps the corporate geniuses in Wales would care to invest in sorghum futures?"

    This made the board of directors to chuckle. Absolutely not. What could eygpt possibly have to offer us? Besides we are fixing our own war-torn economy aswell. We could give a hefty sum of gold, but there would be a 50% interest rate on such a large loan.

    The Board has predicted a slight rise in profits for the 2nd quarter. A good outcome is expected. Why? He says that the Rising Welsh investments in Australian stocks are generating much revenue. Good news..for us anyway

    Helping to make a difference, the people of WelshCorp.


    • Where's the turn???!?


      • Turn to Rick.

        Oh and I regret to inform everyone that the corporate government cannot make due on its promises to cut pollution anyfurther at the moment. The economy and commerce are more important. With Airports, and drug stores. Productivity must rise. And Gold must come.

        That said, Shares rose 15% on the good news

        The board has not ruled out acting in the future and shall install as much pollution fighting measures as possible when we have the money to do so.


        • Turn 275--> Don

          Egypt must reluctantly decline the generous Welsh offer to lend us gold at a reasonable interest rate of 50%.

          We fear that if we were to be late with our payments that someone would come to break our thumbs...


          • Well, Mobiusolini is now ready to resume command of the Roman Empire from the great Donius Maximus, who has indeed governed well - with a strong and true hand!

            Hail Don!
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • MOBIUS RETURNS!!!

              uh-oh...I can almost hear tuesday morning trading! "Sell! Sell!". Perhaps trading curb's are a good idea to calm the hysteria...


              • Turn 276--> Mobius/Don

                Why the hell did we get an environmental disaster? I checked the last turn, and it said that we had 107 turns to go before another.

                Now hard-won gold production has dropped, and our scientists are deeply depressed.


                • Crap I wanted to ask the same thing. I found black spots all over the place

                  I would like to remind the world, that hollywood is almost complete. Dont forget to tune into the season premiere of Survivor this saturday!

                  3 men, and 3 women. They will spend 1 year in the mountains of holyhead. Far from civilization. The loser, who gets voted out is stripped naked and a 60 pound wieght will be chained to his neck. He must then find his way back.....


                  • Originally posted by faded glory
                    Crap I wanted to ask the same thing. I found black spots all over the place
                    I knew it was going to happen! I am such a small contributor that i saw no reason to pull my reins in. Besides, it might be my only way to destroy the evil Romans

                    I would like to remind the world, that hollywood is almost complete. Dont forget to tune into the season premiere of Survivor this saturday!

                    3 men, and 3 women. They will spend 1 year in the mountains of holyhead. Far from civilization. The loser, who gets voted out is stripped naked and a 60 pound wieght will be chained to his neck. He must then find his way back.....
                    Apparently, the second player voted out gets tied to a hard-backed chair and made to sit through 24 hours of Faded Glory's drunken ramblings about his CTP conquests.


                    • Originally posted by Lung
                      I knew it was going to happen! I am such a small contributor that i saw no reason to pull my reins in. Besides, it might be my only way to destroy the evil Romans
                      Wasn't my fault!

                      "it might be my only way to destroy the evil Romans..."

                      Hmmm, sounds suspiciously like fighting talk there...

                      Turn to Lung
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • Oops!

                        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                        • Oi Lung!

                          Don't bloody retire before we finish this game!

                          Who's got the turn?
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • Not me!!! Three days in a row i have checked for turns, and found......NOTHING!!!



                            • "Not me!!! Three days in a row i have checked for turns, and found......NOTHING!!! "

                              What he meant to say was that he passed out at the pub last night and hit his head in the mens room...


                              • ...and nothing's arrived here, either...

