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Swissy2 - Part VI

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  • The people of Rome - as a peaceful nation - welcome the continued thawing of relations with the people of Wales...

    Long may it continue!

    269 to Lung
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • Turn 270 to Demosthenes a couple of days ago. Did you receive it, Demos?


      • Turn 270 ==> Rick

        Efforts to cease the flow of torrid filth into our oceans and atmosphere seem to be having little effect, with the spectre of a second natural disaster still looming above our heads.

        Wales is prepared to ratify new peace treaties with all nations and stand down her military, and hopes that other nations will do the same, in a bid to focus our attentions upon cleaning up our cities.

        We have fouled our nest for too ong, and it is high time that we have a spring clean.


        • Turn 270 --> Mobius

          Egypt sttrives to do her share to reduce pollution, although being Lilliputian, our share is quite small.


          • Fuhrer Demosthenes enquires as to the whereabouts of the gamefile. Is it still in the possession of Mobiusolini?


            • Probably. Gwilym seems to be away, and i hear Don is playing his turns, so perhaps Rick should send it to him at


              • Turn 271--> Don

                Demosthenes, wherefore art thou? I emailed you, asking if you're still in this game, but have received no answer.


                • Corporate Republic or Fascism?

                  Gentlemen, I have to make a serouis decison this turn on the future of wales. And I am hesitant to make this call. For one, I do not know the true wishes of Demos. Asacting leader, I shall hold the turn for a day or two. I have consulted with General lung about this odd dillemma. I will take his advice as Demosthenes, so if I do somthing wrong here he can blame Lung, should Demo's not respond and play the turn himself. I will send it in 36 hours.


                  • Turn to Rick and big thanks to lung for his guidance. I havent seen or heard from Demo's, so I guess he is gone now


                    • No turn received.

                      Please resend.



                      • Resent
                        I sen last turn to wrong guy


                        • Turn 272--> Don

                          Egypt slowly claws its way back to financial solvency...


                          • Cairo exchange shares rose sharply today as WNC reported the CEO of Welair ; the welsh airlines announced he would come to power soon ; bringing with him a group of powerful exectutivies from energy,arms and transportation corporations. There goal is too bring the economy out of the war.

                            Shares closed at the bell up 17% on the WAX index. The forecast for next season is good. With heavy volumes of buying in the Energy and public sectors. While shareholders dumped older, less productive arms and agriculture stocks.

                            this mysterouis figure doesnt have a name (havent thought of one)

                            You should call him CEO, for now.


                            • Turn 273--> Don

                              The diminutive Egyptians continue to take baby steps toward our marginally brighter tomorrow.

                              Soon we hope to build another mine! Oh, what a great day that will be!!


                              • Turn 274--> Don

                                Egypt proudly announces the start of construction of a new farm!

                                Happy days! Soon we will be a world leader in sorghum production!

                                Perhaps the corporate geniuses in Wales would care to invest in sorghum futures?

