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Swissy2 - Part VI

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  • Aww, quit your whining Saddam...

    You had a tech I wanted and I went and got it - took me two attempts too (Not three!).

    At least I didn't come and take it by conquest...

    Now, be a good fellow and don't do anything to annoy your all powerful neighbour...
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • You could of asked before you took..that was lame. Im mad, (still). No lovin 4 u

      Turn----->Rickster, who seems to want to move alot of troops to the front also


      • Having freed ourselves from the shackles of fascist tyranny, Australia has opened it's eyes to the wonders of high finance!

        Sorry neighbours, but we're not interested in going to war - there's just no money in it


        • Im not going to war either. Im just making my case I dont want spies on my land, its irritating. So was that some kind of parting shot for our alliance? If so...I will say G'day and hope many flies land in your beer.

          *ppzzzztttttttttttttttttt *sploosh*


          • Alas, how quickly an ally's good deeds are forgotten It seems to be all the rage in your part of the world at the moment


            • Turn 282--> Mobiusolini

              FG, do you really consider those "a lot of troops"? I thought they wouldn't scare a flea, and were only put there to block spies!

              And those few Machine Gunners ARE inside our city limits, facing stacks of your own Tanks, as well as Roman Marines.

              Not to mention whatever Lung has hiding in those Australian cities so close to Egypt.

              I wouldn't put money on their survival if things were to get hot!


              • "Alas, how quickly an ally's good deeds are forgotten It seems to be all the rage in your part of the world at the moment "

                Lol I was joking man.

                Ok next turn I wil remove my guys.


                • "It seems to be all the rage in your part of the world at the moment "

                  Ya, wtf is up with that.

                  We send 30 choppers and several advisors to help you fight the Australian fires earlier this year, without your government even asking. Yet nothing comes our way when 1/3 of our country is on fire and we need help.

                  Not cool.....


                  • Originally posted by faded glory

                    Lol I was joking man.
                    Lol So was i


                    • Originally posted by faded glory
                      "It seems to be all the rage in your part of the world at the moment "

                      Ya, wtf is up with that.

                      We send 30 choppers and several advisors to help you fight the Australian fires earlier this year, without your government even asking. Yet nothing comes our way when 1/3 of our country is on fire and we need help.

                      Not cool.....
                      Okay, okay, so it was a cheap shot. It's just that you make such an easy target, FG!

                      Our blokes were waiting to help you guys out, too. It seems we were never asked It's just good to see you Yanks see that help is a two-way street, and that one good deed begets another. After all, it's the Australian way Actually, all i heard was that we had people on stand-by, but i wonder whether you are simply presuming again, FG

                      God, i love stirring you You don't just bite, man, you want to eat the fisherman as well!!!


                      • uh-huh. Well Ive heard nothing about Oz firefighters coming to help us out. But I did here alot about us going to help your ass. If these fires keep up, we might have to scuttle the whole continent.

                        Hey Lung, Im going to see Steve Erwins movie. Are you?


                        • I dunno about the firefighters as i haven't heard anything since. I'll look it up.

                          I don't intend to see Steve Irwin's movie - he reminds me of someone i haven't seen since i was a kid. He was a complete froot loop like Steve Irwin

                          Actually, i doubt if too many Aussies will see it. I'm not sure if it's the cultural cringe, or simply that he's a total lunatic and an embarrassment to us all! Then again, the kiddies who insist on seeing a movie a gazillion times should get the box office takings up there with Star Wars

                          BTW, he nearly did you guys a favour when he gave the croc an opportunity to eat Jay Leno


                          • Potential Catastrophe Looming...

                            Wales MUST STOP it's pollution NOW!

                            In the last few cycles Welsh pollution has skyrocketted! While Wales may not have many cities on the coast - Rome does! We need to see a reduction in Welsh pollution within the next few turns, or we will take matters into our own hands...
                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • AHA!! So that's FG's cunning plan! That's so very, very sneaky

                              I'd expect no less from such an evil, conniving, deceitful swine as thou!!!


                              • There must be a mistake here MOBIUS. My graph shows my pollution declining. Can you check that again? Im installing Nuclear plants. Before you act rash, know that a single Nuclear warhead from one of us could put all of our coastal cities 10 feet beneath the ocean.

