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CTP PBEM Challenge Ladder -- May 2003

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  • Okay Troll. I think I understand, but my email address is if you would like to explain further. Your land sucks, and Dimytes land is beautiful! Is that about right? A very common complaint. Try using the Dual-Duel option (see notes in challenge ladder) to get rid of this 'no fair land' problem.

    Last edited by quinns; October 4, 2003, 14:03.


    • Note 8: The Dual-Duel format makes for a fair game. It completely equalizes the starting positions -- Two games started simultaneously on the same randomized map with starting positions swapped. First one to win a game wins the match. Use this format if you wish. If you do use this dual-duel format, it is recommended that you do NOT use the 4XPG (mentioned in note 7 above), victory condition because one civilization may have a much better starting position.


      • Originally posted by quinns
        Okay Troll. I think I understand, but my email address is if you would like to explain further. Your land sucks, and Dimytes land is beautiful! Is that about right? A very common complaint. Try using the Dual-Duel option (see notes in challenge ladder) to get rid of this 'no fair land' problem.

        No the email is about something different..BUT...the land still sucks..

        I will drop you an email..


        Grandpa Troll
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • Your land sucks, and Dimytes land is beautiful! Is that about right? A very common complaint.

          Not a very good measure of skill either, you could ask someone to make you a map that is some what equal.

          I could do it for you if you like. I am not talking about a customized one, just as equal as it gets and tested. Example would be one on swamp and one with mountains and rivers. That's a bad map no I would ensure both have good starting positions.

          Just email me with the subject line: Map Please,
          add all players emails and I will do my best to have it out in a week ok?
          “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
          Or do we?


          • David42One defeated me at turn 229 by 4 x PG.

            Well done David


            • keygen suggested I post here to see if someone would like to play me in non-challenged games. I want to play it a little different though. I start the game and use the cheat mode and set it up like this. First I make sure we are both in a position that is equal in value. my basic place for setting my opponent is to choose the site on the board I would like most to have and put him there, of course feel free to describe what you like and I will make it, then I set mine (don't ask milamber, I messed up his once and his postion sucks and mine is great, but he insisted we contimue playing). Next I put down a city size 3 and 10 settlers. Next I bring the advances up to the level around cavalary, musketeer, cannon, SOL range and add about 8 more for the AI's. Next I give us PW of 2 mil, and gold of 5 mil. I do it this way because I want to fight and I don't want to play for 3 months before we have the ability to do it, no slur intended. I like fighting on the marine, intercepter, tank kind of level and this lets us do it quick. So I take the money and rush buy the city improvements to get science up and keep happiness and production at good levels as well as buying the army to use. I like to play the game in its pure form as well, but I also like to do it in this way for fun and stomping. Imagine what you could do with your empire if money was not an object and you could use PW at will. So while you still have to build your empire the proper way, you can have a little more fun fighting sooner. Okay I am a warmonger and I actually like it when I lose becasue I learn from my losses. Doesn't mean I always learn well, but I do learn, smile. Also, pollution off, bloodlust on, no wonders, no nukes. If you would like to play a game like this with me then email me at



              • @checkmate

                i cannot send our turn to you. your mail box is over quota.
                Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                • K, should be clear now. Sorry bout that.
                  If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                  • Originally posted by checkMate
                    K, should be clear now. Sorry bout that.
                    np. resent
                    Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                    O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                    • *69. Chlg 69 david42one def. ricketyclik; Started May-2003 -- Finished Sep-2003; Turns 229.

                      Congrats David!


                      • Originally posted by dancemasseuse
                        keygen suggested I post here to see if someone would like to play me in non-challenged games. I want to play it a little different though. I start the game and use the cheat mode and set it up like this. First I make sure we are both in a position that is equal in value. my basic place for setting my opponent is to choose the site on the board I would like most to have and put him there, of course feel free to describe what you like and I will make it, then I set mine (don't ask milamber, I messed up his once and his postion sucks and mine is great, but he insisted we contimue playing). Next I put down a city size 3 and 10 settlers. Next I bring the advances up to the level around cavalary, musketeer, cannon, SOL range and add about 8 more for the AI's. Next I give us PW of 2 mil, and gold of 5 mil. I do it this way because I want to fight and I don't want to play for 3 months before we have the ability to do it, no slur intended. I like fighting on the marine, intercepter, tank kind of level and this lets us do it quick. So I take the money and rush buy the city improvements to get science up and keep happiness and production at good levels as well as buying the army to use. I like to play the game in its pure form as well, but I also like to do it in this way for fun and stomping. Imagine what you could do with your empire if money was not an object and you could use PW at will. So while you still have to build your empire the proper way, you can have a little more fun fighting sooner. Okay I am a warmonger and I actually like it when I lose becasue I learn from my losses. Doesn't mean I always learn well, but I do learn, smile. Also, pollution off, bloodlust on, no wonders, no nukes. If you would like to play a game like this with me then email me at

                        Sounds interesting, dancemasseuse. My ticket is full right now, but I think someone else will be happy to play. If you don't get a response soon, try changing it to a challenge match. Participants on this thread are used to playing challenge matches.


                        • Update --- berXpert vs. quinns

                          Turn 93 --- berXpert's Spanish army just invaded my peace loving Irish continent! Can't we all just get along?


                          • Originally posted by quinns
                            Update --- berXpert vs. quinns

                            Turn 93 --- berXpert's Spanish army just invaded my peace loving Irish continent! Can't we all just get along?
                            NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!
                            Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                            O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                            • News Update --- berXpert vs. quinns

                              Turn 93 --- berXpert's Spanish army just invaded his peace loving Irish continent! AND take first Irish city


                              • Arghh! That was an unprovoked blow from no where -- Ouch! Spain wins the prize for surprize. But Ireland counter attacks the Spanish mainland at Villaviciosa! Go Irish!!

