Heh...it's always funny when people make it into the stories. How many parts are you planning for this? Question: Were the Warrior class Ironclads available in the real world? I seem to remember something like that, but I'm no longer up on my ships-of-the-line.
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Mikes story
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
I did toy with just that thought myself, but I didnt want to kill him off just yet.
But who knows what will become of him later
Once again vovan many thanks for your very kind words if only you would hurry up and write your own story
Being a fish beater is always nice, but being a crack-shot pirate would have been very cool. We could have had Mike walk the plank after he finds the pirates are holding Jess captive on the ship to provide entertainment to the crew.
By the way, when does Mike realize that Scratch and Yuri are leading him into a trap?Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
scratch you are indeed the whackiest most whacked whacko on this forum, you got to stay we need you!!
And thanks for the feedback as ever, it really does help to see people are getting with the story and showing their support.
I cant promise to incorporate your ideas but I do hope you enjoy the next part, Im hoping to finish this over two more chapters and turn my attention to another little idea Ive got.
Steamthunk the Warrior was a Broadside Warrior class ironclad, the one I got the spec on was named Warrior when she was launched in about 1867. she served in the British Royal Navy till about 1912 then was sold for scrap. I got the info off the net by running a search on Ironclad, sorry cant remember the exact site but theres some really interesting sites about Ironclads used in the American Civil War.Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; November 5, 2002, 16:37.A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
By the way, when does Mike realize that Scratch and Yuri are leading him into a trap?
Either that, or she's the pirate queen!
Nice job, Chrisius, this is picking up and getting better and better.
Hey, I was wondering, did you name Mike's comrade Tom after me? I put my real name on my profile but I've never used it in posts. I wondered if you saw it there and incorporated me into your fiction.
When Yuri yelled, "She can't take much more of this," Scotty's classic line from Star Trek popped into my head. "I'm given 'er all she's got, sar! She can't take much more o' this!"
Originally posted by bassman
I wish Jess was my girlfriend!
... a trap masterminded by that arch-Russian spy Jess, who's bitter that Mike abandoned her to the Russians and never attempted to save her!
Either that, or she's the pirate queen!Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
PART 9 Behind Enemy Lines,
Its been over a fortnight Jack, since we heard from Mike. Im really worried," said Betty.
"Stop fussing woman, Mike can take care of himself."
"I know, I know, but surely he should of written to us by now. Im going to go see our Tim and find out whats going on if we dont hear from him by this weekend!" said Betty, "Lord only knows where he is."
"You cant go doing that Betty love, hes the Prime Minister and has got far more important things to be doing."
Betty had never really liked the idea of Mike being in the army, she couldnt bear the thought of him getting hurt. Little did she know that as she spoke Mike was scrambling halfway up a cliff path in enemy territory in the pitch black of night.
"This way Tom," whispered Mike as they headed towards the the old disused mine. "I reckon this is the place Tom, Scratch said we should throw three pebbles into the entrance, and wait for a light to be flashed three times."
"Okay Mike," said Tom.
After they received the signal they headed into the entrance of the mine, where they were met by an old Russian soldier. "Hello my name is Vovan, you will follow me yes," and he led them through the maze of tunnels to the secret complex deep inside the hills.
Mike and Tom were both disorientated when they got there and a tall fellow approached them and said, "two for tea."
"Yes with milk and sugar," said Mike remembering the codewords the PM had given him. "So your our contact," continued Mike.
"Yes Sir, agent Simon Adams at your service, hope you had a safe journey. Pleased to meet you, I was beginning to wonder if you would get here."
Mike and Tom explained the events that had taken place at sea over a hearty meal and a pot of tea. Vovan headed back through the mine to keep watch at the entrance.
"I expect your wondering what it is your here for," said Simon.
"Your not wrong," said Tom, "where do you want these rifles?"
"Just leave them on that table mate."
"So what is our mission then?" asked Mike.
"Right well,Ill fill you in on the whole situation. In eight days from now the Russian leader is going to take the salute of the armed forces in a parade through Moscow. Tensions in Russia are at all time high and the opposistion party is gaining momentum. The outside world does not suspect it, but Russia is at breaking point, the resistance formed by some of the miliatary and the Russian peasants are tired of the tyranny. They are highly active and have been since the war. Of course the authorities suspect our involvement in secretly backing up this organisation, hence Russias aggresive diplomatic stance with us."
"Well never mind the politics, just get to the point will you," said Tom inpatiently.
"So what is our mission," asked Mike.
"Your mission is to dress as peasants and make your way to the Capitol Moscow, this is where your fluency in Russian will come in Mike. You need to get in at least 24 hrs before the parade otherwise youll never get through security. Approx half a mile from where Catherine will take the salute is Moscow's cathedral, and from the top of the clock tower is a clear line of sight to the podium. Tom your task is to assasinate the leader of Russia."
"Bloody hell!" exclaimed Tom looking to Mike who stood there with his mouth open.
"When you get to the cathedral you will find a rifle with double sights fitted hidden in the clock tower. you will only get one shot at this, which once youve taken you will have some time. As the Russian Miliatary does not yet have knowledge of our new rifles they wont immediatley suspect that the shot had come from the cathedral, but their search will soon fan out. Your only chance of escape is to seek refuge in the sewer system, heres a plan of the sewers read it, and memorise it you cant take it with you."
"Right," Mike said. "What is hoped to be achieved by this."
"Yeah, I mean there will be thousands of troops looking for us, and there bound to search the sewers sooner or later," added Tom.
"Right well you are correct of course, but if things go the way they are expected to go you wont be executed as spies you will be treated as heroes."
"What on earth arte you talking about Man!?" asked Mike.
"In about six days from now a massive English occupation force will arrive off the coast Leeds>"
"What? so why send us to risk our lives," said Tom interupting Simon.
"Let me explain,its expected that when the news breaks Russia will sink into civil war. At least seven cities including Leeds have a large resistance presence and are expected to be taken quite easily. In addition Leeds still has a number of English citizens who along with the resistance will declare alleigance to England. After the garrison of Leeds has surrendered the troops will occupy Leeds.We expect a leader of the opposistion to take control of Russia, and in secret negotiations he has agreed to hand back all former British territories. The reason for this large force is in case anything goes wrong and Leeds has to be defended due to a counter attack."
"For gods sake its risky," said Tom.
"Too right, but its payback time," said Mike.
"Yes its risky indeed, not least for you two, but theres a chance this can be pulled off without the world thinking that we have invaded. Hopefully this will prevent any further hostilities elsewhere. You had better get some sleep now, there is much to do before you leave in the morning."
Mike and Tom now had a perilous journey ahead of them, just covering the four hundred miles to Moscow in a week would be difficult,with checkpoints everywhere and patrols wandering all over the countryside at all times. Catherine The Great trusted no one,least of all the Russian people.
PART 10 Fatal Danger/Fallen Comrades.
I am very near completion of this just a few ideas still to decide on. probably one more part and a short epilogue. I will post the next part at the weekend, hope you like part 9Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; November 10, 2002, 08:13.A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Well, yet another fascinating installment. It's a little sad that the last of this story is coming up. And yet, you can be sure that as soon as I read through the epilogue, I'm off to nominate it for the contest.
Looking forward to the assasination of the Russian ruler. (Yep, I always thought they should have chosen Peter the Great as the leader of Russians any way.)
Oh, and thanks for putting that Vovan character in, Chrisius.
Although I do have a bad feeling about him. An old soldier, on the side of the rebels... Somehow I think that he will go to Moscow with Mike and Tom, and when they shoot the Czarina, and flee, he will be there to distract the guards. Everybody will think that he killed Catherine. That will prevent the Russians from turning against the English again. The guards will shoot him in place, and, satisfied, will stop hunting for the assassin, allowing Mike and Tom to escape. And plus, Vovan will have wanted to die any way, as he would prefer that over seeing his beloved motherland descend into the chaos of civil war.Last edited by vovan; November 6, 2002, 23:48.
EDIT: Ooops, double post
Thanks again Vovansim, Ive truly enjoyed writing this and Im sure I will do another. A bit of a rest first though I think.
Your support and that of the other regulars has been a real help these last few weeks.
I spotted your reply to an earlier post about your mother tongue being Russian, are you Russian? or just Russian speaking?. I think it must be an interesting time now in Russia as it modernises and leaves the cold war behind as history.A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Itll be at the weekend scrath, Im busy putting the foundations in on a building extension at the moment,
Oh my aching back!!
Just finished work, got rained off again so Ill get right on with finishing the next bit and post it tonight.Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; November 8, 2002, 09:33.A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
This the final full part of Mikes Story is dedicated to The Guitarist, myself and Tom both joined poly about the same time this summer and reading his first story about the two brothers was an inspiration to me. He is currently writing a second story about the trials of three young French men after the Germans savagely invaded their country, and is thus far excellent.
Yes Tom I did use your name but forgot to tell you earlier, I hope you dont mind what happens.
PART 9 Fatal Danger / Fallen Comrades.
Early next morning Mike and Tom were studying maps and planning their route to Moscow when Simon joined them.
"Morning chaps, would you like some breakfast. Ive got some fresh eggs from Vovan."
"Sure that would be great," said Tom.
"Me too," said Mike.
"Right lads Vovans got you two Russian Calvary uniforms and two fresh horses. Ive marked on this map several isolated farms where you will be able to shelter at night, and Ive got false papers for you both. This is an official Russian dispatch bag and inside are some false reports sealed. If you get stopped you should tell them that you are carrying urgent papers to Moscow from the miliatary govenor of Leeds. you should travel by day as you will arouse more suspicion if seen riding at night," Simon told Mike and Tom whilst they ate breakfast.
"Sorry Simon, but weve been discussing this and weve decided to travel on foot at night. I know this country very well, and as a boy I went to Moscow with my dad many times, and in the summertime we often went hiking in the hills and forests of Russia and New England."
"Thats crazy! youll never cover that distance in time."
"No problem mate! both Mike and I have done far more than this distance during survival training, and we will be able to slip past any Russian guards in the dark."
"When I was on tour in Rome my unit covered one thousand miles in a week, through the vast expanse of the central deserts of Rome. We travelled at night running for thirty minutes then walking thirty minutes. By day we sheltered in our tents, this is the same but we will hide in the forests during daylight hours," said Mike.
"Well it sounds like youve made up your minds on this, no point in argueing about it." uttered Simon, "Now Ive got you both a revolver. These are a brilliant piece of equipment, they use bullets similar to rifle rounds, only smaller. This revolving barrel takes six rounds, they are so new the army has not been issued with them yet. At least they hadnt a month ago when I left London."
"Not when we left a couple of weeks ago either. Thanks they will be very useful," said Tom.
"Well thats me done, Ive got to leave you now and head back to London for a meeting with the PM. Good luck and I hope to see you when all this over." Simon said and left Mike and Tom to continue their preparations.
Mike and Tom were both very fit young men and well trained professional soldiers. The first few days of their journey went well with one exception. On the third night they were spotted by a Russian patrol. The four Musketmen saw Mike and Tom sneak into the barns, they were trying to steal a couple of Chickens for there supper when the guards called out to them. Mike and Tom split up and hid inside the farm buildings stealthfully taking out the Russians one at a time and cutting their throats open with their sharp sheath knifes.
They lost valuable time hiding the bodies, and it was only a matter of time before the soldiers were noticed missing or found dead.
On the sixth day they were holed up halfway up a moutain in a small cave, where Mike had stayed with his father many years before. From their vantage point they could see right accross the central plains of Russia to the capitol Moscow some sixty miles away.
"were going to have to do that in one," said Mike, " theres no forests to hide out in by day."
"Your right Mike, do you think we should we should rest up here tonight, and set off tomorrow afternoon. Give us chance to rest our feet and by the time we are down to flatground it will be going dark."
"Sorry Tom, well have to go tonight mate, dont forget Simon said we needed to get to Moscow at least 24 hours before the parade. Also reckon they must have found those bodies by now, thier sure to be following our trail sooner or later."
"Yeah youre right, but I think we should steal some horses to speed things a bit ."
"Well Tom I dont think we will have to, see that farm over there about ten miles away. Thats one of the farms Simon marked on that map. I think we should head there first and see if they can give us some horses. Youre right about setting off early though, we can make it there before it gets dark. Just have to be more careful thats all," said Mike.
"Okay Mike thats agreed, Im going to get some sleep now will you take the first watch," said Tom.
"Sure mate no problem."
More Later, somethings cropped up!Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; November 10, 2002, 05:23.A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Hmm... Seems to me like there could be a couple more chapters, ChrisiusMaximus.Some rifle action still to be covered.
Good stuff