This part is dedicated to vovansim for his continued support and as his prediction was the closest.
Come on people give some feedback!!
PART 7 The Meeting.
"Glad you could make it Mike, come on through," Sir Timothy said greeting Mike.
Mike followed the PM into the large oak pannelled library, through the double doors into the cabinet room. In the room were several people, some of whom he had met before and some new faces.
"Right then everybody, this is our young protige Mike Richards. Some of you I know have met this young man before, but let me briefly tell you about him. Well his family were lucky enough to get out of New England just before the Russians sneak attacked us. His father who you may also know is Jack Richards the construction officer for the London region." the Prime Minister paused then continued, "Mikes parents asked me back then if I could get him into the school I used to be the head of. Of course on realising that the boy was fluent in Russian I accepted. After our election victory Mike applied for a place at the then new Miliatary Accademy at Sandhurst and was accepted. Mike has spent the last six years of his life training in the arts of leadership, combat, tatics and warfare and gentlemen in this time he has travelled to all parts of the commonwealth being stationed at different garrisons. His knowledge of the world and especially Russia is unrivalled and I have here over forty letters of commendation from Mikes commanding officers hes served under during his training."
"Bravo lad," went up the response from all those in attendance.
"Thank you all very much gentlemen." said Mike a little nervously.
"Right then Mike this is as you already know Lord Cartwright the foreign secretary and on his left is Anthony Pritchard MP for Birmingham and my Trade and Industry spokesman," moving around the room shaking peoples hands. "Now I know you know this chap Brigadier Peterson my Miliatary Advisor, with him are General Cooper who saw action in Leeds and seargeant Jones of the Royal Welsh Guards. Lastly but by no means least we have Rear Admiral Simms and Captain Blake two of the navies finest, the Admiral saw action during the war and sunk two enemy ships."
With the introductions over the men took their seats at the huge oak cabinet table.
"Gentlemen shall we proceed, Anthony can you give us your report?" asked Sir Timothy.
"Yes prime minister, now as you know at the present time we have acheived a lead in science and production but the French and Indians are hot on our heals. Russia has the potential to out produce us if she can aqquire the right knowledge, and unfortunately we cannot guarentee that other nations will not trade information with the Russians. The Chinese in particular have formed strong trading relations with Russia since the war, we know they have been shipping incense to them for a couple of years now. We also suspect that Russia is selling saltpeter to the Iroquois but our information on this is sketchy at best." said the Trade and Industry spokesman then sat back down.
"Thanks Anthony, now over to you Lord Cartwright," said the PM.
"Thank you sir," said the Foreign Secretary, "As you may be aware myself and the PM have been conducting secret talks for some months now with the Russians. We have demanded the return of Leeds and all former British territories of New England plus 50 million pounds in compensation for the atrocities committed on our people by their soldiers. However our most recent comunique from Moscow reads as follows, "We are no longer prepared to discuss this matter, further if you persist we will expose your threats to the worlds press. You will remove all naval vessels from our waters or we shall declare war." Of course we have refused to comply with their ridiculous demands and have reissued our demands. Finally to add to our problems we are getting some negative responses, especially from the French and the Chinese regarding the possibility of trading restrictions on the Russians if they were to be requested. The Iroquois will not even answer our questions."
"Now then Mike I can see you are wondering why you are here," said Sir Timothy.
"Yes Sir." responded Mike.
"Well we have a very important mission for you, now if you want to you can leave right now. If you choose to stay you must carry out your orders and you will be sworn to secracy. I have to tell you that this is a very dangerous operation and chances are you wont make it out alive, do you understand me Mike!"
Mike pondered for a moment , at last my chance to kick back at those blasted Russian dogs he thought to himself, "yes Sir! I understand Sir!, I am ready to do my duty and will give my life if necessary Sir!" said Mike with determination.
"Good, good, I knew you wouldnt let me down. Now you must understand you will have no contact with your family until this thing is over, and what you are about to hear is top secret."
"Yes Sir I understand, please continue," said Mike.
"Okay Brigadier can you give us your report?" asked the PM.
""Yes Prime Minister, Presently we have the most advanced toops in the world, and research is ongoing to further improve our forces. We currently have large garrisons in all the former colonies and are well placed to protect our allies if the need should arise. We have good knowledge of the size and make up of other nations land forces with two exceptions. Firstly as we have no diplomatic contact with the Iroquois we have no information on their miliatary status, and they continue to remain isolated from us. The Russians on the other hand still rely upon the outmoded Muskets for their infantry, our intelligence from the resistance movement assures us of this but cannot estimate numbers"
"Bloody thousands of them!! Hundreds of thousands of them from my experience I should say," piped in general Cooper.
"Yes yes general, now please continue Brigadier," said the PM angrily.
"Thank you Sir, we have tentative estimates from the resistance but these cannot be relied upon," stated the Brigadier.
"Excuse me Sir," said Mike "you said the resistance, I wasnt aware of any resistance movement."
"As I said Mike what you are about to hear is top secret, now its your turn General," said the Prime Minister.
"Er yes, sorry for my interuption before Sir, right Mike as youve just heard our info is a bit sketchy. Were not sure what the Iroquois would do if we mounted an invasion to recapture Leeds, nor for that matter the French and the Chinese. Now we dont want to end up fighting a war on several fronts, and the casualties would most likely be appalling for any invasion. So this is where you and Seargeant Jones come in, Jones is the armys best marksman with the new rifles recently issued and can speak a little Russian. Youll have plenty of time to become aqquainted later, now over to you Admiral."
"Thanks Cooper, right gentlemen our control of the seas is total, a few other nations including Russia have got Frigate class ships but our Man O Wars outgun, outmanouvre and out number there fleets a hundred fold. I have just come from the Royal Shipwrights and can tell you that the new flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth MK2 a brand new Ironclad class warship is ready to be launched tonight. A further fifty of these are ready for service at docks around the country with another 200 on the order books. Captain Blake here will comandeer the QE2 and take you two to your first rendezvous," finished the Admiral.
"Okay thank you all very much gentlemen, right then Mike and, sorry Mike I didnt mention, Seargeant Jones's first name is Thomas. You two will need to get kitted up and ready to leave at 21.00 hrs tonight on the QE2. For security reasons I cannot tell you too much at the moment, but for now you will be heading for a small group of islands far out in the northern ocean, there you will rendezvous with a small Russian fishing boat manned by resistance members. They will smuggle you into Leeds where you will be taken to a secret complex in an old gold mine. Once there an operative who is already their will give you your next instructions. You will be both issued with a suicide pill which you are expected to use should you be captured, now do you both understand this!" asked the PM.
"Yes SIR!" said the two men.
"Right then, the best of British luck to you, and may god be with you both!" said the Prime Minister.
Time was of the essence, England had a technological advantage at the moment and the Government did not want to miss this opportunity. Russia would never back down without a fight and England could not afford to risk a war on many fronts, a world war. As science was progressing deadlier weapons were being created, the time to strike was now.
Part 8 Danger At Sea
Still writing this, any ideas anyone. Tell me what you think of this so far.
Come on people give some feedback!!
PART 7 The Meeting.
"Glad you could make it Mike, come on through," Sir Timothy said greeting Mike.
Mike followed the PM into the large oak pannelled library, through the double doors into the cabinet room. In the room were several people, some of whom he had met before and some new faces.
"Right then everybody, this is our young protige Mike Richards. Some of you I know have met this young man before, but let me briefly tell you about him. Well his family were lucky enough to get out of New England just before the Russians sneak attacked us. His father who you may also know is Jack Richards the construction officer for the London region." the Prime Minister paused then continued, "Mikes parents asked me back then if I could get him into the school I used to be the head of. Of course on realising that the boy was fluent in Russian I accepted. After our election victory Mike applied for a place at the then new Miliatary Accademy at Sandhurst and was accepted. Mike has spent the last six years of his life training in the arts of leadership, combat, tatics and warfare and gentlemen in this time he has travelled to all parts of the commonwealth being stationed at different garrisons. His knowledge of the world and especially Russia is unrivalled and I have here over forty letters of commendation from Mikes commanding officers hes served under during his training."
"Bravo lad," went up the response from all those in attendance.
"Thank you all very much gentlemen." said Mike a little nervously.
"Right then Mike this is as you already know Lord Cartwright the foreign secretary and on his left is Anthony Pritchard MP for Birmingham and my Trade and Industry spokesman," moving around the room shaking peoples hands. "Now I know you know this chap Brigadier Peterson my Miliatary Advisor, with him are General Cooper who saw action in Leeds and seargeant Jones of the Royal Welsh Guards. Lastly but by no means least we have Rear Admiral Simms and Captain Blake two of the navies finest, the Admiral saw action during the war and sunk two enemy ships."
With the introductions over the men took their seats at the huge oak cabinet table.
"Gentlemen shall we proceed, Anthony can you give us your report?" asked Sir Timothy.
"Yes prime minister, now as you know at the present time we have acheived a lead in science and production but the French and Indians are hot on our heals. Russia has the potential to out produce us if she can aqquire the right knowledge, and unfortunately we cannot guarentee that other nations will not trade information with the Russians. The Chinese in particular have formed strong trading relations with Russia since the war, we know they have been shipping incense to them for a couple of years now. We also suspect that Russia is selling saltpeter to the Iroquois but our information on this is sketchy at best." said the Trade and Industry spokesman then sat back down.
"Thanks Anthony, now over to you Lord Cartwright," said the PM.
"Thank you sir," said the Foreign Secretary, "As you may be aware myself and the PM have been conducting secret talks for some months now with the Russians. We have demanded the return of Leeds and all former British territories of New England plus 50 million pounds in compensation for the atrocities committed on our people by their soldiers. However our most recent comunique from Moscow reads as follows, "We are no longer prepared to discuss this matter, further if you persist we will expose your threats to the worlds press. You will remove all naval vessels from our waters or we shall declare war." Of course we have refused to comply with their ridiculous demands and have reissued our demands. Finally to add to our problems we are getting some negative responses, especially from the French and the Chinese regarding the possibility of trading restrictions on the Russians if they were to be requested. The Iroquois will not even answer our questions."
"Now then Mike I can see you are wondering why you are here," said Sir Timothy.
"Yes Sir." responded Mike.
"Well we have a very important mission for you, now if you want to you can leave right now. If you choose to stay you must carry out your orders and you will be sworn to secracy. I have to tell you that this is a very dangerous operation and chances are you wont make it out alive, do you understand me Mike!"
Mike pondered for a moment , at last my chance to kick back at those blasted Russian dogs he thought to himself, "yes Sir! I understand Sir!, I am ready to do my duty and will give my life if necessary Sir!" said Mike with determination.
"Good, good, I knew you wouldnt let me down. Now you must understand you will have no contact with your family until this thing is over, and what you are about to hear is top secret."
"Yes Sir I understand, please continue," said Mike.
"Okay Brigadier can you give us your report?" asked the PM.
""Yes Prime Minister, Presently we have the most advanced toops in the world, and research is ongoing to further improve our forces. We currently have large garrisons in all the former colonies and are well placed to protect our allies if the need should arise. We have good knowledge of the size and make up of other nations land forces with two exceptions. Firstly as we have no diplomatic contact with the Iroquois we have no information on their miliatary status, and they continue to remain isolated from us. The Russians on the other hand still rely upon the outmoded Muskets for their infantry, our intelligence from the resistance movement assures us of this but cannot estimate numbers"
"Bloody thousands of them!! Hundreds of thousands of them from my experience I should say," piped in general Cooper.
"Yes yes general, now please continue Brigadier," said the PM angrily.
"Thank you Sir, we have tentative estimates from the resistance but these cannot be relied upon," stated the Brigadier.
"Excuse me Sir," said Mike "you said the resistance, I wasnt aware of any resistance movement."
"As I said Mike what you are about to hear is top secret, now its your turn General," said the Prime Minister.
"Er yes, sorry for my interuption before Sir, right Mike as youve just heard our info is a bit sketchy. Were not sure what the Iroquois would do if we mounted an invasion to recapture Leeds, nor for that matter the French and the Chinese. Now we dont want to end up fighting a war on several fronts, and the casualties would most likely be appalling for any invasion. So this is where you and Seargeant Jones come in, Jones is the armys best marksman with the new rifles recently issued and can speak a little Russian. Youll have plenty of time to become aqquainted later, now over to you Admiral."
"Thanks Cooper, right gentlemen our control of the seas is total, a few other nations including Russia have got Frigate class ships but our Man O Wars outgun, outmanouvre and out number there fleets a hundred fold. I have just come from the Royal Shipwrights and can tell you that the new flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth MK2 a brand new Ironclad class warship is ready to be launched tonight. A further fifty of these are ready for service at docks around the country with another 200 on the order books. Captain Blake here will comandeer the QE2 and take you two to your first rendezvous," finished the Admiral.
"Okay thank you all very much gentlemen, right then Mike and, sorry Mike I didnt mention, Seargeant Jones's first name is Thomas. You two will need to get kitted up and ready to leave at 21.00 hrs tonight on the QE2. For security reasons I cannot tell you too much at the moment, but for now you will be heading for a small group of islands far out in the northern ocean, there you will rendezvous with a small Russian fishing boat manned by resistance members. They will smuggle you into Leeds where you will be taken to a secret complex in an old gold mine. Once there an operative who is already their will give you your next instructions. You will be both issued with a suicide pill which you are expected to use should you be captured, now do you both understand this!" asked the PM.
"Yes SIR!" said the two men.
"Right then, the best of British luck to you, and may god be with you both!" said the Prime Minister.
Time was of the essence, England had a technological advantage at the moment and the Government did not want to miss this opportunity. Russia would never back down without a fight and England could not afford to risk a war on many fronts, a world war. As science was progressing deadlier weapons were being created, the time to strike was now.
Part 8 Danger At Sea
Still writing this, any ideas anyone. Tell me what you think of this so far.
