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  • Originally posted by marc420
    Send Firaxis a message, don't buy this Expansion Pack
    In all honesty, it's not really Firaxis' fault the game ended up the way it did. It had to be released by a certain date, buggy or not. Scenario editor or not. Multiplayer or not. While forcing you to buy an XP to get multiplayer is a bit cheap, it's really nothing new for the series. And in the end, it's only 30 bucks anyways. Would you rather have spent that on 15 cheeseburgers instead?


    • Re: good thing

      Originally posted by ChaotikVisions
      Good thing people come to posts about the expansion to explain why it is/will be bad, and that they aren't buying it. Cause if they didn't, we might not even know!
      And your comments here are more useful how?
      He's got the Midas touch.
      But he touched it too much!
      Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


      • Because Sikander most(including me) are talking about what we hope to see in it/new features for it/etc... Just coming and posting saying that you hate the idea doesn't really have a purpose. If you don't like Civ3, don't play it. And do us a favor and don't post on the board frequented mostly by people who DO like it and tell us you don't. The only reason you can have for doing such is just to annoy us.
        "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


        • Originally posted by ChaotikVisions
          Because Sikander most(including me) are talking about what we hope to see in it/new features for it/etc... Just coming and posting saying that you hate the idea doesn't really have a purpose. If you don't like Civ3, don't play it. And do us a favor and don't post on the board frequented mostly by people who DO like it and tell us you don't. The only reason you can have for doing such is just to annoy us.
          So, anyone with dissenting opinions, or opinions that do not match yours are not welcome in this forum by you?

          What's wrong with saying that you hate the idea that you'd have to pay for the XP?

          What's wrong with saying that you expected most of the features announced in the XP to be in the initial release?

          What's wrong with claiming you are generaly dissatisfied with the treatment Firaxis is giving the fans of this genre of games?

          Do you ONLY want to hear from people with pleasant opinions, those more in accord with your own?

          If you are annoyed at all of the negativity being thrown at Firaxis for this latest development..............TOO BAD!

          I have just as much right to question/judge Firaxis as you do to be its 'fanboy'!


          • Oh?

            (answered in order)
            I didn't say that, I said people who were just coming to this forum to say they hate Civ3 really have no purpose here. This isn't a forum dedicated to those who hate it, but those who like it(i'm assuming).

            I didn't say anything was wrong with that, I was talking about people who just came on said they hate Civ3/XP idea, then nothing else. Arguing that paying for some features is alright, but its mostly wasted breath on here.

            Nothings wrong with this, and I don't remember saying it was. But expecting specific things in a game is a good way to get dissapointed fast, better to wait and see, rather then hope and whine.

            Nothing, I suppose. But your complaining to the people your complaining for. Try e-mailing Firaxis, you won't get any response but you'll save us some time.

            No, not at all. Arguing things is whats done mostly on this forum anyway, I just got annoyed with people who aren't here to argue points, just to say it sucks.

            I'm annoyed at all the negativity being thrown by useless posts of people who don't even play Civ3. And it isn't being thrown at Firaxis, its being thrown at us. Sure some from Firaxis come here, but how many come here do you think we're directly involved in whatever reason that person has for his useless spam?

            So go question/judge them, e-mail away. But if your gonna argue on here at least do it with some sense, not just spam. And why exactly am I a 'fanboy' of Firaxis? Because I like the game? Because I get annoyed at spammy post about hating a game they quit playing? The same could be said for others here, but I don't think anyone considers themself a 'fanboy'.
            "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


            • Re: just one grumpy old man's opinion

              Originally posted by Brutus66

              Capitalism is based on the consumer's willingness to pay. That system worked great in the old days, but now - it seems to me, anyway- there is a lot of consumer irresponsibility.
              Well, you can always opt for communist state to be 'responsible' instead of you. People just had less money before, so less chance to splurge.
              When you think about SUVs and 40in TVs and whatnot, measly 40 bucks for a game are not worth mentioning. Good God, a CD 'sung' by Celine Dion or some West Coast psycho (MM, for instance), costs 15 bucks, twice as much as any classical Cd, and offers you ****e. I reckon the list is rather long and should have many more names listed before we ever come to the gaming industry.

              As for civ abilities - it is unlikely that seafaring would be in, unless English get the ablity too (it really would not be fair to exclude them). One possibility is to have the same set of abilities with more overlaps and UUs as the only difference. If they add any new abilities, it could be hard to deduct anything from the list of XP civs, even if we knew them (I mean, who would say that Chinese are militaristic and industruous? )

              As for the list of more abilities - beats me. Diplomatic? (Byzantines) - improved diplo standing, more chance of getting good deals, MPPs when needed, etc.


              • Originally posted by bigfree1

                So, anyone with dissenting opinions, or opinions that do not match yours are not welcome in this forum by you?
                Well actually, we tend to just like to have people who do not agree with us to be set up before the firing squad and executed .

                The reason praise is accepted over insult towards fraxis is because, sadly my friend the 'masses' are happy with Civ3. So every time someone throws a fit about how the evil company is going to stick it them by making them play for a feature that 'should have been with the game' - people tend to get a little annoyed.

                As I said before, the company is only looking out for their PROFIT MARGIN. of course they DO like it if people actually DO like their product, or in this case, that most people like it. So the bickering of 10/20/50/100 people here isn't really that big of a deal compaired to the thousands who have purchased the game, and liked it. Or if they didn't like it they just threw it away and shut up

                Alot of software companies are the same way, buy a product which is missing features, then buy the missing features with an' UPDATE. (Win98/Win98SE) per say.

                You have the right to throw all the fits you want, but dont expect everyone to go along with you quietly.

                You're a star-belly sneech, you suck it like a leech! You want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while you ***** so you can get rich while your boss gets richer off you! Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day. Slave to soldiers til you starve, then your heads impaled on a stake!

                The framework of the world is - black and white! The infrastructure builders - flex their might! Turning true emotion into digital expression, one by one we all fall down. The grey race shrivels, trapped inside. The world it creates is black and white.


                • If all you want to do is b*tch and whine and you are annoyed by your rough reception here.... TOO BAD!
                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • Originally posted by Venger
                    Great, now you can pay for features that should've been in the frigging game out of the box. An editor that doesn't suck as the day is long. The ability to create scenarios. The ability to play another human frigging being (what YEAR IS IT Firaxis?).

                    Screw 'em. Civ4 won't contain the game CD, it'll be in an 'expansion pack'.

                    P.S. Playing SMAC this last week has opened by eyes to just how bad a regression much of Civ3 really is. They BRUTALLY ripped off the game engine of SMAC, but removed some of it's basic elements...

                    I must agree with you... Civilization III IS a good game but it was released completely unfinished ! (like the air superiority which didn't work !).

                    Look at Blizzard for example : they DID NOT release a game before it has been tested and re-tested.

                    They also promised a multiplayer mode but NOT in an expansion pack ! All this expansion pack should be FREE in my opinion.


                    • I doubt I'll buy the expansion if its more than 30 bucks. It will just be what the game should have been back in October.
                      To us, it is the BEAST.


                      • Originally posted by LordAzreal

                        That's the attitude I had about SMAX. But look what happened. By the time I was ready to buy it... IT VANISHED WITHOUT A TRACE!!! Due to that experience, I rush over to buy XPs nearly as soon as they're released. This is because in a month or two, they might no longer be available.
                        Thats the first time I've heard of that. Is it really a common occurance in Australia? You can STILL buy new versions of SMACX on ebay here.
                        We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
                        If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
                        Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


                        • am i the only one who finds amusing seeing people call other people "sheep" and "suckers" because those other people happen to enjoy products that they dont like themselves?

                          kring, there is no such thing as a stand alove expansion pack
                          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                          • People just had less money before, so less chance to splurge.
                            I disagree. The fifties and sixties was a time when the average family had two cars and was able to take a real vacation at least once a year. My wife's father (just as an example) was a Hungarian immigrant who worked in Pittsbugh as a steelworker, but they were a two car family, at least one of which was new or late model, and were able to buy a decent home. And the husband and wife didn't both need to be employed to accomplish this.

                            But you're right about the price of music- I haven't bought a cd in more than five years. I refuse to pay that price. If everyone else did too, mere musicians wouldn't live like gods on Olympus and music would actually be affordable. The price of books is getting pretty high too, but I have to cave on that- life without books is not worth living. It's too bad, really- music and literature are the things that lift the human spirit.

                            My point was that companies like Firaxis and Infrogrames are going to try to get away with whatever the road will bear. If we let them stick us like this, and I am sure we will, then it's just going to get worse. Civ 4 will be even worse, and we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.


                            • Personally...

                              ...preffer the Firaxis system. Why? Well, for example, in Warhammer III the graphic engine was amaizing the first time I saw screenshots from the game. Now this kind of 3D and texturization is common (Empire Earth, Black & White), and in a near future will be obsolete in front of games like Age of Empires III : Age of Mytology. With Civ 3 we have the basic game, AND with a patch is updated, with an XP is more diverse... Etc... This kind of things make a major involvment of the creators with the game, they create more things, they can see the effects in a major group of people (not freaky beta testers ).

                              About the civs inside the expansion, PLEASE FIRAXIS!! CASTILLIANS, NOT "SPANISH" . If we have English in the place of British, why now Spanish?
                              Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                              • Couldn't have said it better myself. I give this game no more credence that CTP because of the bullsh1t we were put through. Firaxis has exploited the good name of Sid and the Civ series. I was expecting a step forward from SMAC, easily my favorite PC game. Instead it's been one large leap backward.
                                "Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us. If it is, let us trace its movements and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us." --MLK Jr.

