Wait, doesn't this remove the traits as well?
No announcement yet.
Naval PBEM - Huge, Pre-Made, Rich, Islands, No Corruption, No Tech Trading, 6 Players
We could just have this:
Each player may choose (e.g.) 3 different UU's, that way, players doesn't get dissadvantages because of this (unless they choose to)... ("3" could also be some other number... but I think 3 would be a nice number)
This space is empty... or is it?
I made a couple of changes.
1) Galleys need two movement points to enter ocean tiles, otherwise the player with the GL will have an enormous advantage on this map. For flavor, I added the same limitation to ironclads.
2) The luxuries are not exactly as you specified in another thread, but you don't need to worry because they are balanced. I just now found that second thread, so I am getting all this extra information that I didn't have when I first checked the map. As it is now you now have access to just one luxury on your main island, but will quickly find three more to settle/trade on other nearby islands.
What's the final story with the UUs?
Also, do you really want lethal bombard? I missed that requirement the first time around as well. If so, is it for all bombard units, even ground units?
Also, do you really want lethal bombard? I missed that requirement the first time around as well. If so, is it for all bombard units, even ground units?
Especially for aircraft and ships. It will make the use of carriers and normal ships much more worthwile."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
Thank you very much, alexman.
Now, gentlemen, let's start this game. Eli, you should have ormuzd's email, he posted it earlier in this thread. ormuzd has my email, I have ADG's, CerberusIV posted his too. GF?
Eli, you wanted to start a new turntracker thread.
Awaiting the save. Guess we stick with 1.14f for a while.
Just wanted to say:
From Sunday, until Tuesday (maybe later), I wont be able to play my turn, because I'm moving out...
So it doesn't seem like I'll be needing Alva's help, since it's only for a couple of days... I hopeThis space is empty... or is it?